Medically Underserved Areas

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Melissa Brunsvold, MD of the University of Minnesota Medical School

The next post in the Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME series looks at the University of Minnesota General Surgery Rural Track.

December 2022

November 21, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes information on the new Program Emergency Categorization process now available; nominations for the CLER Evaluation Committee, Annual Educational Conference updates and more.

November 2022

November 14, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes information the Annual Educational Conference's session schedule, an opportunity to participate in the Clinical Learning Environnment Review (CLER) Evaluation Committee, the latest episode of the "Hot Topics in MedEd" podcast, and more.

November 2022

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Lori Rodefeld

Another interview in a series featuring Sponsoring Institutions and programs providing rural graduate medical education (GME) experiences.

October 2022

Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME: Q and A with Virginia Mohl, MD of Billings Clinic (Montana)

The first interview in a new blog series featuring Sponsoring Institutions and programs providing rural graduate medical education (GME) experiences.

July 2022

June 13, 2022

Featured in this e-Communication is information on the new preventive medicine specialties, resident member nominations for a variety of Review Committees, registration for a institutional coordinator workshop, and more.

June 2022

Update on Dedicated Time Requirements

The ACGME Board of Directors recently reviewed and approved several specialty- and subspecialty-specific Program Requirements, which were updated to align with the Board’s requirements for allocation of dedicated time for program leadership, core faculty members, and program coordinators.

June 2022

June 6, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes additional ACGME Equity Matters modules now available in Learn at ACGME; new solicitations for resident members for selected Review Committees; a request for feedback to inform a major revision of the Institutional Requirements, and more.

June 2022

May 31, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes a Letter to the Community from ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP; Review and Comment; Review Committee news, and more.

June 2022