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Brett Coup, MA

Vice President, Digital Learning and Continuing Education

Brett Coup joined the ACGME as its first Vice President, Digital Learning and Continuing Education in November of 2022. He has more than 20 years of experience leading teams in the design and development of online courses, degrees, and other technology-mediated learning experiences.

Mr. Coup leads the ACGME’s Digital Learning and Continuing Medical Education teams, with a focus on maintaining their strong roots as a top-quality video production service unit, and at the same time growing into a full-scale content creation and delivery department. The Digital Learning and CME teams work closely together with ACGME and graduate medical education (GME) stakeholders to conceptualize, build, and deliver meaningful learning experiences to the national and global GME communities. Mr. Coup is grateful to hold a role that can serve as a connector between departments and units across the organization. His team works to find synergies and alignment between departments and creative solutions to learning needs.

Prior to arriving at the ACGME, Mr. Coup was the Associate Vice President for Online Learning and Academic Technology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. In this role, he built and led a centralized unit for the development of online graduate degrees and courses, including the MBA, online certificates in the law school, and a wide range of high-enrollment undergraduate courses. This work led to over a 1,000 percent increase in online enrollment at the university, and an additional $4.8 million in revenue.

Mr. Coup has led multiple learning management system (LMS) evaluation and migration projects at multiple institutions in partnership with IT infrastructure teams. His guiding focus for LMS technology is usability, clarity of design, and providing a strong suite of teaching and learning tools.

Mr. Coup earned his Master of Arts degree in communication studies from Northern Illinois University and holds a certificate in project management from Villanova University Continuing Education. He completed the MOR leadership program and served as a mentor in the Emerging Leaders program at the University of St. Thomas.

Outside of work, Mr. Coup enjoys cycling along the Chicago lakefront and throughout the city.