The ACGME sets and monitors the professional educational standards essential in preparing physicians to deliver safe, high-quality medical care to all. Accreditation is achieved through a voluntary process of evaluation and review based on published standards.
ACGME accreditation provides assurance to the public that a Sponsoring Institution or program meets the quality standards (Institutional and Program Requirements) of the specialty or subspecialty practice(s) for which it prepares its graduates.
ACGME accreditation is overseen by a Review Committee made up of volunteer specialty experts from the field that set accreditation standards and provide peer evaluation of Sponsoring Institutions and specialty and subspecialty residency and fellowship programs. There are 27 specialty-specific Review Committees, an Institutional Review Committee and a Transitional Year Review Committee.
About Us
This section includes general information about what the ACGME does and why, an overview of the continuum of physician education and where the ACGME fits in, as well as links to information about ACGME leadership, and helpful resources including the Data Resource Book and Annual Report.
Applying for Accreditation
The ACGME accredits both programs and the institutions that sponsor them. The Sponsoring Institutions must be accredited before a program or programs can apply for accreditation. For details on how to apply for accreditation as a Sponsoring Institution, visit the Institutional Application Process page. For information on applying for accreditation as a program, visit the Program Application Information page.
Case Logs and Surveys
The ACGME Data Collection Systems comprise the Accreditation Data System (ADS), which includes the Case Log System, and the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys. Log into ADS from this page or from the upper right-hand corner of any page of this website.
Case Logs and Survey Technical Support
Contact information for ADS support representatives can be found on this page for the Case Log System, ACGME Surveys, and for help by specialty.
Common Program Requirements
The ACGME Common Program Requirements are in place to ensure that ACGME-accredited programs follow a basic set of standards (requirements) in training and preparing resident and fellow physicians. These requirements are integrated into the specialty-specific Program Requirements for every specialty. This section has all of the Common Program Requirements currently in effect and those with future effective dates, along with corresponding FAQs.
Milestones are a way of assessing residents and fellows as they progress through their education, and they are completed every six months. While the results of Milestones are not considered in accreditation, the assessments must be completed as a part of the accreditation process. All Milestones information can be found from this page: Guidebooks, FAQs, online education, research and reports, and contact information. Specialty-specific Milestones information is also on each specialty page.
Review and Comment
The ACGME invites the community of interest to provide opinions on the proposed or revised Program Requirements listed on this page as open for comment. Institutional and program leaders and staff members are notified about these opportunities via the weekly ACGME e-Communication e-mail. To sign up to receive the e-Communication (if not already receiving it), e-mail ACGMECommunications@acgme.org.
The ACGME Self-Study is an objective, comprehensive evaluation of the residency or fellowship program with the goal of improving it in advance of the 10-Year Accreditation Site Visit. Here, find step-by-step guidance for conducting a Self-Study.
Single GME Accreditation System
These pages provide information and support for institutions, programs, and individuals transitioning to ACGME accreditation from American Osteopathic Association accreditation.
Site Visit
The accreditation process for Sponsoring Institutions and programs includes periodic on-site visits to assess compliance with the relevant Institutional and Program Requirements.
The documents and resources on the specialty pages assist ACGME-accredited programs and those applying for accreditation within a given specialty or subspecialty. Access any of the specialty sections from the “Specialties” tab. Contact information for each specialty Review Committee, as well as meeting dates and other useful information, is also provided on these pages.
Sponsoring Institutions
The documents and resources in this section assist ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions and those applying for accreditation. Contact information for the staff of the Institutional Review Committee, as well as meeting dates, Committee membership, and other useful information, is also provided here.