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#ACGME2024 Session Summary: Life as LGBTQIA+ in the Current Learning Environment

A summary of the Sunset Session at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, an open and personal panel discussion about "Life as LGBTQIA+ in the Current Learning Environment."

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Mark Mason, PhD, CGP

In the poster, “Adapting Well-Being Rounds to Residents Hungry to Learn More about Nutrition,” Mark Mason, PhD, CGP and his team explore the impact of open, honest conversations about nutrition and diet on learner physicians.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Maria DeOliveira, EdD

Q and A with 2024 ACGME Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Awardee Maria DeOliveira, EdD.

Journal Notes: JGME’s Collaboration with ICRE and 2023’s Top Research Abstracts

Every year in its December issue, the JGME publishes the Top Research Abstracts presented at the International Conference on Residency Education.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Shauna Gibbons, MD

In the poster, “Responding to Racism in the Learning Environment,” Shauna Gibbons, MD, explores how providing tools to educators can affect how racism is addressed in the learning environment. Dr. Gibbons answerd our questions on behalf of her team.

We Can Make the Change – the 2023 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address

In the #ACGME2023 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address, ACGME Chief Accreditation Officer Lynne M. Kirk, MD, MACP interviewed Theodore (Ted) J. Corbin, MD, MPP and Selwyn Rogers Jr., MD, MPH, FACS in a session entitled Healing from Trauma: Impacts on the Health Care Community.