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Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Christine Cho, MD, MPH, MEd

2023 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Dr. Christine Cho is currently the associate program director and previous program director of the pediatric emergency medicine program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and Keck Medicine of the University of Southern California.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Antoinette Spevetz, MD

2023 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Awardee Dr. Antoinette Spevetz is the designated institutional official (DIO) at Cooper University Health Care.

After Three Years of Change, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education Returns in Person to #ACGME2023

JGME looks forward to returning in person to the ACGME Annual Educational Conference in Nashville, offering two educational sessions and a presence in the ACGME Hub.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Abhiram Kondajji, DO, MS

2023 David C. Leach Awardee Dr. Abhiram Kondajji is a general surgeon at Marymount Hospital following completion of his residency at Cleveland Clinic - South Pointe Hospital.

A Look at What’s Available at #ACGME2024 for International Attendees

Read an overview and highlight reel of some of what the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference will offer, and about the numerous opportunities available to attendees from across the globe.

#ACGME2024: Recognizing and Celebrating Awardees

The ACGME Annual Educational Conference provides a wonderful opportunity to recognize the recipients of prestigious national and international awards.

#ACGME2024 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address: Improving the Culture of Residency

Titled “Improving the Culture of Residency,” the 2024 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address will provide insights into transformative trials that are reshaping GME.

September 26, 2022

This week's edition includes information on the upcoming Call for Abstracts deadline for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference, calls for Review Committee members, featured articles in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education, and more.

August 22, 2022

This week's edition includes information about the Annual Educational Conference Call for Abstracts, the Shaping GME process for general surgery, registration for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting, and more.