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#ACGME2022: Activities and Events

The 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers outstanding educational and networking opportunities. The conference fee also includes several events and activities that give you an opportunity to connect with colleagues in a relaxing and engaging atmosphere.

ACGME e-Communication - September 14, 2020

This week's e-Communication includes information on the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program's latest report, new AWARE resources for well-being, Milestones news, and more.

ACGME e-Communication - August 3, 2020

This edition of the e-Communication includes information on the 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, resources on personal protective equipment (PPE) for Sponsoring Institutions and programs, Review and Recognition Committee announcements and more.

April 13, 2020
This special edition of the ACGME's weekly e-Communication includes a statement on resident/fellow furloughs and a new Frequently Asked Question regarding accreditation and recognition activities during the pandemic crisis.
Now Accepting Nominations for 2021 ACGME Awards

The ACGME just announced the call for nominations for the 2021 ACGME Awards cycle. Learn more about the Awards program and how to nominate an exemplary colleague!

Meaning in Medicine: Rebuilding Connections

This year’s theme, Meaning in Medicine: Rebuilding Connections, highlights both the importance of the work that is done every day and the imperative to continually rebuild professional connections

Stories from the Field: Addressing Physician Shortage through a Rural Residency Program

In the poster, Addressing Physician Shortage in Medically Underserved Areas through a Rural Residency Program Collaboration, Dr. Douglas Nolan explored how osteopathic physician residents may be able to bridge that gap in care as they complete their education.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jessika Weber, DO

In the poster, Waging War Against Physician Burnout: Overcoming the Barriers of Military Medicine with Personalized Patient Care Boards, presented at the 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Dr. Jessika Weber and colleagues present their project that looked at how customized care boards in pediatric patient rooms are helping young patients.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Rachel Ruderman, MD, MPH

Rachel Ruderman, MD, MPH and her colleagues created a tool to help infertility patients undergoing numerous tests in different departments and even different institutions keep better record of their care, reducing frustration for both patients and physicians.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with John F. McConville, MD

2021 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee John F. McConville, MD is the internal medicine program director at the University of Chicago. He specializes in pulmonology and critical care.