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Action as Antidote: Resisting the Seductive Somnolence of Racism Denial

Dr. Camara Jones delivered a powerful and motivating Closing Plenary to conclude the 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Bryce Montané, MD

2021 David C. Leach Awardee Bryce Montané, MD is a third-year resident in internal medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

January 25, 2021

This week's e-Communication includes information on the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys, updated Milestones that go into effect July 1, 2021, Review and Comment for program requirements, the Annual Educational Conference, and more.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Dr. Kimberly Collins

Associate Program Director Kimberly Collins, MD of Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in Saint Petersburg, Florida set out to see how simulating conversations about social determinants of health (as opposed to in-class learning or immersion-based training) affected a resident’s or fellow’s ability to broach and explore these complex, often sensitive, subjects with patients and their parents. Her results are recorded in her poster: Improving Resident Comfort with Discussing Social Determinants of Health through Simulation.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jamie Arsenyevictz, MPH

Jamie Arsenyevictz, MPH, led a team at Geisinger Health System to develop a GME analysis tool, leading to the development of shared language and knowledge surrounding GME finance and value between the GME Office and Geisinger leadership.

Session Summary: NIDDK Initiatives to Eliminate Health Disparities and Train a Diverse Workforce

Griffin P. Rodgers, MD, MBA, MMSc, MACP, the director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), presented NIDDK Initiatives to Eliminate Health Disparities and Train a Diverse Workforce as one of the Annual Educational Conference’s three featured sessions on Friday, March 8.

#ACGME2019 Day 1: Pre-Conference Round-Up

Collaboration and connection were front-and-center during the six pre-conferences today at to kick off the 2019 Annual Educational Conference. The pre-conferences, which are designed to appeal to those across experience levels from a first-year coordinator to seasoned designated institutional official (DIO), mixed detailed information about ACGME accreditation with inspirational and aspirational examples of how each member of the graduate medical education (GME) community can positively influence the experience of patients, peers, colleagues, and themselves through their work and unique contributions.

Welcome to the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference

ACGME Chief of Staff and Chief Education and Organizational Development Officer Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, PhD welcomes the graduate medical education community to the 2019 Annual Educational Conference, Engaging Each Other: Rediscovering Meaning in Medicine.

Session Summary: SES118 – Milestones Five Years On: Lessons Learned and Practical Approaches to Improve Value

“Milestones” has been a part of the ACGME vocabulary for nearly 17 years now. In the final session of the 2018 Annual Educational Conference, Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP, senior vice president, Milestone Development and Evaluation, kicked off a discussion about the Milestones today and the Milestones to come.

Your Conference Experience: Q and A with ACGME Board Chair Dr. Rowen Zetterman

As the current chair of the ACGME Board of Directors, Rowen Zetterman, MD, filled several important roles at this year’s Annual Educational Conference, presenting awards and introducing Dr. Nasca for his President and CEO Address among them. We caught up with Dr. Zetterman in between his activities to learn a little more about his experience the last few years with the ACGME and, in particular, at the Annual Educational Conference.