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John C. Gienapp Distinguished Service Award Presented to Dr. Timothy C. Flynn

For the first time since 2012, the ACGME today presented the John C. Gienapp Distinguished Service Award to Timothy C. Flynn, MD, FACS. The award is named for Dr. John Gienapp, who was the ACGME’s Executive Director for 19 years. Dr. Gienapp made several important contributions to GME and ACGME accreditation, and when he retired this award was established in his honor to recognize those who, like himself, dedicated themselves to a career in graduate medical education and made outstanding contributions to residency education and ACGME activities in a variety of ways.

Osteopathic Pre-Conference 2018

We’re at the mid-way point in the five-year transition to a single GME accreditation system—and this is our third pre-conference for osteopathic residency and fellowship programs. A lot has happened in the last few years, and we’re proud of our expanding family—not just on the program side, but also on the accreditation and governance side.

The ACGME Urges Presidential Nominees to Commit to Accelerating PPE Production

In response to the recent resurgence of COVID-19, the ACGME sent a letter to both presidential nominees, urging them to commit to accelerating the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect frontline health care workers, who include many members of the GME community.

ACGME Releases 2019-2020 Statistics on Graduate Medical Education Programs and Resident Physicians
The ACGME released its 2019-2020 Data Resource Book, the most comprehensive and reliable resource of its kind, including data on the size, scope, and distribution of graduate medical education (GME) in the US.
VIDEO: Dr. Thomas J. Nasca Addresses Graduating Residents and Fellows

ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP recorded a message for all residents and fellows completing their education program this spring—in the midst of a global pandemic, caring for patients on the front lines.

AOA and ACGME Statement on Joint Principles for Physician Education and Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The AOA and ACGME are providing this statement of joint principles to help clarify for residents/fellows and programs the issues related to board certification that have arisen through the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACGME Reaffirms its Four Ongoing Requirement Priorities during COVID-19 Pandemic

As the nation and world face the evolving COVID-19 (SARS COV2) crisis, the ACGME has granted a significant degree of flexibility to accredited Sponsoring Institutions and programs to realign their resident and fellow workforce to meet the increased clinical demands created by the pandemic. This flexibility with expectations is provided consistent with the ACGME’s commitment to patient safety and resident/fellow safety.

ACGME Releases 2020-2021 Statistics on Graduate Medical Education Programs and Resident Physicians

The ACGME released its 2020-2021 Data Resource Book, the most comprehensive and reliable resource of its kind, including data on the size, scope, and distribution of graduate medical education in the US.