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FSMB, Intealth, ACGME Establish Advisory Commission to Guide Alternate Pathways for State Licensure of International Medical Graduates

The majority of these physicians are international medical graduates (IMGs), encompassing both foreign nationals and U.S. citizens who completed their medical education and training outside the United States and Canada.

Study Shows Correlation Between Milestone Ratings and Patient Outcomes

A recent study published in JAMA Surgery revealed that “ACGME Milestone ratings of “graduating vascular surgeons may be predictive of those surgeons’ risk-adjusted patient outcomes in their early career following a common vascular operation.”

April 22, 2024

Read about office hours being held for designated institutional officials (DIOs) and institutional coordinators; announcements from Review Committees; the Milestones reporting window opening today; and more.

April 15, 2024

This edition of the e-Communication includes approaching deadlines for nominations, courses, and workshops; information about the Back to Bedside program; Review and Comment, and more.

March 25, 2024

This edition of the e-Communication includes the call for nominations for the 2025 ACGME Awards; Review and Comment opportunities, and more.

March 19. 2024

Review proposed Program Requirements and a proposed new subspecialty; participate in the first meeting of the Clinician Educator's Journal Club; read the latest CLER Pathways to Excellence; and more.

January 17, 2023

This week's e-Communication announces the Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address and Closing Plenary speakers for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference; includes information about Review and Comment, Milestones, CLER site visit blackout dates, and more.

April 24, 2023

This edition of the weekly e-Communication includes information on rural data enhancement (RDE) project office hours; the deadline for CLER visit blackout dates; the Call for Submissions for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions meeting; and Review and Comment.

April 3, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes Special-Specific Program Requirements available for Review and Comment; information on next week's well-being event for program directors; and resident and fellow Review Committee Member openings with terms beginning July 1, 2024.

May 30, 2023

Read about the extended deadline for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting Call for Submissions; Review and Comment opportunities; Review Committee nomination information; and office hours on a variety of subjects.