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Well-Being and Work Hour Requirements

ACGME President and CEO Dr. Nasca emphasizes the need for a focus on well-being in GME and provides an update on the 80-hour clinical work hours requirement.

New ACGME Video Spotlights the Importance of Innovation in Health Care

The ACGME has created informational videos as part of a national commercial spot for CNN Headline News. The videos spotlight the organization's focus on improving resident education and confronting the changing health care landscape.

ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca Named Co-lead of NAM Opioid Collaborative Working Group

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) announced that ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP has been named co-lead of the NAM Action Collaborative on Countering the US Opioid Epidemic health professional education and training working group.

ACGME Announces Call for Sessions for the 2018 Annual Educational Conference

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, June 16, 2017, to be considered. Applicants whose sessions are selected will be notified by e-mail the week of July 24, 2017. The 2018 ACGME Annual Educational Conference that will be held March 1-4, 2018.

Update on Common Program Requirements

The ACGME provides an update on the comprehensive review and revision of the Common Program Requirements.

The ACGME and Global Health: International PGME Partnerships to Support Training Physicians into the Future

The next installment in the ACGME and Global Health series, this post summarizes the session "International PGME Partnerships to Support Training Physicians into the Future" from the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

Journal Notes: JGME’s #ACGME2024 Recap!

The Journal of Graduate Medical Education team recaps their educational and networking experiences at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

#ACGME2024 Day 1 Recap

A summary of highlights of the first day of the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference in Orlando, Florida.