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ACGME Statement on Early Graduation from US Medical Schools and Early Appointment to the Clinical Learning Environment

The ACGME has issued an updated statement that supercedes all other guidance regarding early graduation from US allopathic and osteopathic medical schools and early appointment to the clinical learning environment.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with 2020 ACGME Awardee Gabriella Gosman, MD

2020 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Gabriella (Gabey) Gosman, MD is the chief medical officer for UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital and the associate designated institutional official (DIO) for UPMC Medical Education. She has previously served as the residency program director for obstetrics and gynecology at UPMC Medical Education in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Best of Both Worlds: #ACGME2021 Pre-Conferences

The 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference will be a virtual experience, including pre-conferences, so the ACGME has worked hard to create learning and networking opportunities for different areas of interest within the GME community.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with 2021 ACGME Awardee Jennifer Wilson, BA, C-TAGME

Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Awardee Jennifer Wilson, BA, C-TAGME is the GME program administrator for family medicine at the University of Vermont (UVM) Medical Center. 

Back to Bedside, Back to Meaning in Medicine
Back to Bedside is an ACGME-sponsored program designed to help residents and fellows bring greater meaning to their work, by providing them with a chance to create their own projects that give them opportunities to return to patients’ bedsides in meaningful ways.
Now Accepting Nominations for 2021 ACGME Awards

The ACGME just announced the call for nominations for the 2021 ACGME Awards cycle. Learn more about the Awards program and how to nominate an exemplary colleague!

#ACGME2022 for DIOs

The 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers unique opportunities for new and experienced designated institutional officials (DIOs) to come together virtually to learn, connect, and recharge.