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Thank You, ACGME Volunteers!
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and we want to pause to recognize the hundreds of people who help make it possible for the organization to fulfill its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and advancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education.
2019 Annual Educational Conference Wrap-Up

The 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference was a remarkable event this year. A record 3,739 attendees gathered to learn, to network, and most importantly, to Rediscover Meaning in Medicine. We want to thank all of the speakers, poster presenters, awardees, other attendees, Board and Committee members, staff members, exhibitors, and other participants who helped make this another outstanding and successful year for the Annual Educational Conference.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Dr. John V. Pamula

John V. Pamula, MD, FACP, led a quality improvement project focused on reducing burnout and increasing well-being among its residents. His poster, Multipronged Strategies to Improve Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance of Residents, was presented at the 2019 Annual Educational Conference, Engaging Each Other: Rediscovering Meaning in Medicine.

Session Summary: Physicians’ Role in Ending the Opioid Crisis

With overdose as the leading cause of death for Americans under 50, it is imperative that the nation—including the entire medical community—take responsibility for its role in creating this epidemic and identify and enact strategies that can address it. This is Dr. Leana Wen’s position. The former Baltimore Health Commissioner and current president of Planned Parenthood spoke about the steps she and the City of Baltimore took to address opioid addiction in the community, and what role she sees physicians playing in solving this problem that is devastating the nation.

The ACGME Annual Educational Conference--What's it all About?
If you’ve never before been, you might wonder what you can learn at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference. What’s this conference about, really? The answer is: more than you might think.
New This Year: Meaning in Medicine Featured Speakers
The 2019 Annual Educational Conference will have several new and exciting features to enhance your conference experience and provide growth, learning, and networking at every turn. In an effort to prepare and motivate you as you plan your registration and conference schedule, we’re launching a series, New This Year, through which we will share updates and new opportunities you can expect when you join us in Orlando in March!
Jordan J. Cohen, MD Delivers 2018 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address

Dr. Jordan J. Cohen explored the evolution of medical education in his presentation, “Looking at the Road Ahead through the Rearview Mirror,” as the 2018 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote speaker at last month's Annual Educational Conference, offering his unique perspective as graduate medical education (GME) leader.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Jamie Dow

Jamie Dow, EdM, is assistant director for resident education and training at the University of Florida. Her poster, Mindfulness in Neurosurgery: Improving Neurosurgeon Wellness in Training and Beyond (with co-authors W. Christopher Fox, MD, Associate Program Director, University of Florida, and Gregory Murad, MD, Program Director, University of Florida), looked at wellness in neurosurgery, which Dow says “has traditionally been considered an oxymoron.” However, as priorities among neurological surgery residents evolve and the effects of physician burnout are increasingly recognized across specialties, life balance and overall well-being have become areas of emphasis and an opportunity for program improvement.

Your Conference Experience: Q and A with Poster Presenter Hedy S. Wald, PhD

Dr. Hedy Wald of Boston Children’s Hospital-Harvard Medical School and the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University was a first-time ACGME Annual Educational Conference attendee as a result of acceptance of her poster, Faculty Videos – An Innovation within Residency Resilience Skills Programs at Two Institutions, for presentation at the Poster Session. An avid social networker, she introduced herself to us at the Twitter Board on Thursday morning before the pre-conferences, and we continued the conversation throughout and after the conference. We asked Dr. Wald about her experience as a poster presenter and first-time attendee of our conference.

An Insider’s Session Guide to the Annual Educational Conference

With pre-conferences, specialty sessions, plenaries, a keynote, the Exhibit Hall, poster sessions, awards, and networking on tap, the 2018 ACGME Annual Educational Conference has tons to offer!

We know it can be a lot to juggle, so to help you make the most of your experience, here’s a snapshot of some of what’s in store based on your program or institutional role or area of interest – call it a cheat sheet of sorts.