Search Result(s) for: critical care medicine

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ACGME Salutes Orlando Health Care Teams

In the wake of the devastating events in Orlando on June 12, the ACGME grieves with the people of Orlando and across the United States. We mourn the injury and loss of life.

Choose to Challenge

March is recognized as Women’s History Month, and March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day honored globally since 1911.

Preventive Medicine

The Review Committee for Preventive Medicine provides these resources to accredited programs and those applying for accreditation.

#ACGME2024 Session Summary: Dr. Nasca Looks Back, and Ahead, in his Last President's Plenary

In a more personal President’s Plenary at #ACGME2024, and his last as ACGME President and CEO, Dr. Thomas Nasca discussed many issues facing graduate medical education, all viewed through the lens of trust.

#ACGME2021 for Program Directors

The 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers unique opportunities for new and experienced program directors to come together virtually to learn, connect, and recharge.

AOA and ACGME Statement on Joint Principles for Physician Education and Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The AOA and ACGME are providing this statement of joint principles to help clarify for residents/fellows and programs the issues related to board certification that have arisen through the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACGME Releases 2016-2017 Statistics on Graduate Medical Education Programs and Resident Physicians

The ACGME released its 2016-2017 Data Resource Book, which includes data on the size, scope, and distribution of graduate medical education in the US. Data shows residents in ACGME pipeline programs increased 20 percent over the last 10 years.