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National Survey Focuses on Workplace Mistreatment Among Residents

Results from a new national survey published on the New England Journal of Medicine website* ahead of print reveal that half of US general surgery residents, especially women, experience workplace mistreatment at least a few times per year.

ACGME Approves Board of Director Officers and Elects Chair-Elect

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD continues as Chair of the ACGME Board, Karen J. Nichols, DO, MA, MACOI, CS was newly elected as Chair-Elect, and Steven I. Goldstein will continue as Treasurer.

ACGME Continues to Support Hahnemann Residents and Fellows

ACGME staff members continue to assist residents/fellows displaced by the closure of Hahnemann University Hospital by compiling and disseminating a list of available positions at other institutions, per the ACGME Extraordinary Circumstances Policy.

The ACGME Commits to Improving Diagnostic Quality and Safety

The ACGME has recently joined the Coalition to Improve Diagnosis, a collaboration with of more than 50 leading health care organizations, focused on ensuring that diagnoses are accurate, communicated, and timely.

Hahnemann University Hospital Closure
The ACGME has been notified that Hahnemann University Hospital will file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on or about June 28, 2019 with the intention to wind down hospital operations and subsequently close. The ACGME has invoked its Extraordinary Circumstances Policy (ACGME Policies and Procedures, Section 21.00).
ACGME Recognizes Graduate Medical Education Community with Annual Awards, including John C. Gienapp Distinguished Service Award

Twenty-five individuals and two institutions were honored at the 2018 Annual Educational Conference. Timothy C. Flynn, MD, FACS, received the John C. Gienapp Distinguished Service Award. This is the first time in six years the award has been given.

ACGME Response to Initial iCOMPARE Study Findings

The ACGME looks forward to reviewing initial findings and studying the complete results. The organization is committed to supporting all Sponsoring Institutions and programs in meeting our requirements and prioritizing well-being.

Update on Common Program Requirements

Dr. Nasca highlights details and implementation for a major revision to the Common Program Requirements and a new version of the Common Program Requirements for fellowships, both effective July 1, 2019.

ACGME Elects New Officers for Board of Directors

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD is the new Chair, Karen J. Nichols, DO, MA, MACOI, CS is the new Vice Chair, and Steven I. Goldstein is the Treasurer for the third consecutive year.

Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca addresses the Executive Order on immigration with the graduate medical education community.