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Updated Medical Student Away Rotation Recommendations Through the 2021-2022 Academic Year

The Coalition for Physician Accountability has released updated recommendations regarding medical students completing away rotations in the 2020-2021 academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACGME Board Approves New Strategic Plan, Mission, Vision, and Values
The ACGME Board of Directors has approved a new Strategic Plan, Mission, and Vision for the organization and the ACGME Values have been updated to include diversity and inclusion.
May 17, 2021

This week's e-Communication includes information on a webcast on the Annual Update, news about Milestones, ACGME Requirements available for Review and Comment, and calls for resident and public members.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Jodi Leonard

2021 Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Awardee Jodi Leonard works as an education manager in pediatric residency at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon.

What Is ACGME Equity Matters?

In July 2021, and in support of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the ACGME proudly and formally announced ACGME Equity MattersTM, a new initiative that introduces a framework for continuous learning and process improvement in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and anti-racism practices.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Andrew Bi, MD

Andrew Bi, MD and colleagues explored the roles of female leaders and highlighted the need for improvement at the leadership level in orthopaedics and presented their research in the poster Female Representation within Orthopaedic Leadership: Where Are We Now? at the 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference in late February.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Bree Bower

Bree Bower and her team in the anesthesiology and pain medicine department at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio studied the affects of COVID-19 on fellow recruitment and presented that work at the 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference in the Poster Hall.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Debra (Debbie) Kay Stevens

2021 GME Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Awardee Debra (Debbie) Kay Stevens is the program administrator for internal medicine at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University.

March 1, 2021

This week's edition of the e-Communication includes information the Annual Educational Conference; ACGME Awards; Review and Comment; and Milestones News.