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Honoring Excellence: Q and A with 2020 ACGME Awardee Marjon Vatanchi, MD

2020 ACGME David C. Leach Awardee Marjon Vatanchi, MD is an assistant professor and director of nail surgery and special procedures at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Your Conference Experience: Q and A with ACGME Board Chair Dr. Rowen Zetterman

As the current chair of the ACGME Board of Directors, Rowen Zetterman, MD, filled several important roles at this year’s Annual Educational Conference, presenting awards and introducing Dr. Nasca for his President and CEO Address among them. We caught up with Dr. Zetterman in between his activities to learn a little more about his experience the last few years with the ACGME and, in particular, at the Annual Educational Conference.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Anai Kothari, MD

2022 David C. Leach Awardee Anai Kothari, MD is an assistant professor in surgical oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. At the time of the award nominations, Dr. Kothari was a clinical fellow in complex general surgical oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

April 3, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes Special-Specific Program Requirements available for Review and Comment; information on next week's well-being event for program directors; and resident and fellow Review Committee Member openings with terms beginning July 1, 2024.

Letter to the GME Community from Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP, President and Chief Executive Officer of the ACGME: Why Workforce Diversity Matters to Health Care and Graduate Medical Education

Letter to the Community from ACGME President & CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca discussing accreditation implications of an upcoming Supreme Court decision and reinforcing the ACGME's commitment to its Mission, including support of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within graduate medical educaiton.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Susan E. Kirk, MD

2023 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Awardee Dr. Susan Kirk is the designated institutional official and associate dean for graduate medical education at the University of Virginia.

The ACGME Urges Presidential Nominees to Commit to Accelerating PPE Production

In response to the recent resurgence of COVID-19, the ACGME sent a letter to both presidential nominees, urging them to commit to accelerating the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect frontline health care workers, who include many members of the GME community.

The ACGME Releases CLER National Report of Findings 2018

This second report provides insight into changing clinical learning environments, and shows improvements in resident and fellow engagement in patient safety. The first report was released in 2016.