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Conversations with Leadership: Lynne M. Kirk, MD, MACP

Dr. Lynne Kirk joined the ACGME staff in September 2019, following a 30-year career in internal medicine and geriatrics at UT Southwestern Medical Center. We recently asked Dr. Kirk to outline her goals as the ACGME’s first Chief Accreditation Officer.

An Interview with the Principal Investigators of the SECOND Trial on Well-being

With planning and enrollment underway for the SECOND trial, the ACGME decided to interview principal investigators Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS and Yue-Yung Hu, MD, MPH to get more background and information about the study and how to participate.

Transitioning: An Interview with Donna Lamb, DHSc, MBA, BSN

Donna Lamb joined the ACGME in 2014 as Executive Director of the Review Committees for Plastic Surgery, Surgery, and Thoracic Surgery. At the end of this week she’ll say goodbye to her ACGME colleagues and pivot to her exciting new role as President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).

Behind the Scenes of the JGME International Supplement: An Interview with Dr. Halah Ibrahim

In August, the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) published its first International Supplement. It highlights the successes and challenges of meeting today’s global health priorities and provides a forum for research and learning in post-graduate medical education (PGME) around the world, fostering further research and dialogue. We talked with Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP, who served as one of the guest editors for the supplement.

A Skill Worth Learning: Assessment in Graduate Medical Education

The ACGME's Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment course in Chicago, as well as a growing number of regional courses based on it, teach practical and effective applications of multiple assessment methods and tools; guidance for creating effective assessment programs; and techniques to most effectively use the Milestones and Entrustable Professional Activities for professional development.

Different Ways of Knowing

Physician educators must explore ways to teach physicians to practice with excellence, compassion, and justice, Dr. Arno K. Kumagai argued at the most recent Baldwin Seminar, the first of the 2019-2020 season. His talk, Reflection, Dialogue and Different Ways of Knowing: Beyond the Competency Paradigm in Medical Education, took place June 26 at the ACGME offices in Chicago, and was livestreamed.

#ACGME2019 Day 2 Round-Up

On this first full day of the ACGME Annual Educational Conference, attendees were encouraged to “reignite the fire” of passion that drives them to work in graduate medical education, and to rediscover their meaning in medicine.

Transforming the Clinical Learning Environment: The ACGME’s Commitment to Collaborative Action
As part of its ongoing efforts to improve all facets of graduate medical education (GME), the ACGME plays a central role in two efforts with far-reaching importance to clinicians, health care organizations, and patients. Pursuing Excellence and NCICLE made substantial progress in 2018, and are poised to continue to contribute to health care excellence in 2019.
Wellness at the 2019 Conference
Conference days are invigorating, but they can also be long and taxing, so be sure to maintain your personal well-being at the Annual Educational Conference by taking a mental break, stretching, exercising, and enjoying the outdoors.
2018 Annual Educational Conference Wrap-Up

The 2018 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Engaging Each Other: Transformation through Collaboration, concluded March 4 in Orlando, Florida. We want to thank all of the speakers, poster presenters, awardees, other attendees, Board and Committee members, staff members, exhibitors, and other participants who helped make this another outstanding and successful year for the Annual Educational Conference.