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Your Conference Experience: Q and A with Poster Presenter Hedy S. Wald, PhD

Dr. Hedy Wald of Boston Children’s Hospital-Harvard Medical School and the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University was a first-time ACGME Annual Educational Conference attendee as a result of acceptance of her poster, Faculty Videos – An Innovation within Residency Resilience Skills Programs at Two Institutions, for presentation at the Poster Session. An avid social networker, she introduced herself to us at the Twitter Board on Thursday morning before the pre-conferences, and we continued the conversation throughout and after the conference. We asked Dr. Wald about her experience as a poster presenter and first-time attendee of our conference.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Maria DeOliveira, EdD

Q and A with 2024 ACGME Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Awardee Maria DeOliveira, EdD.

Celebrating the Invaluable Contributions of ACGME Volunteers

The ACGME recognizes the hundreds of volunteers who dedicate their time and expertise to supporting the organization's Mission to improve health care and population health.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Nancy DeSousa, PhD, MPH

 Dr. Nancy DeSousa and colleagues developed a longitudinal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) curriculum for pediatrics residents to understand the residents’ experience of microaggressions as part of ongoing efforts to improve the sense of inclusion within the Pediatrics Department. They presented their work in the Poster Hall at the 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, held virtually March 30-April 1, 2022.

Inaugural National Health Equity Grand Rounds Addresses Root Causes of Health Inequity

February 7 marked the inaugural session of the National Health Equity Grand Rounds. The event, titled “History of Racism in US Health Care: Root Causes of Today’s Hierarchy and Systems of Power,” is the first of four events scheduled for 2023.

October 17, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes information on the final public forum about revising foundational competencies for undergraduate medical education, submitting New Ideas to the Journal of Graduate Medical Education, the 2022 Milestones National Report, and more.

Journal of Graduate Medical Education now open to all
In support of its mission to improve health care through graduate medical education (GME), the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) is completely open access as of February 2021.