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ACGME Launches New Tools and Resources Web Page Dedicated to Physician Well-Being

These resources were compiled to support local efforts to improve resident, fellow, and faculty member well-being and help physicians in distress as part of the ACGME's commitment to promoting physican well-being.

ACGME Announces Second Cycle of Funding Recipients for Resident-Led Back to Bedside Initiative

Thirty-three projects designed to help residents and fellows find deeper connections with patients and improve physician and patient well-being have been chosen in the second cycle of funding for Back to Bedside.

ACGME Task Force Presents New Residency Program Requirements for Public Comment

The proposed revisions to Section VI of its Common Program Requirements are open for public comment over the next 45 days. The Requirements provide uniform standards for all accredited US residency and fellowship programs.

ACGME Releases Latest Statistics on Graduate Medical Education Programs and Resident Physicians

The newly organized and expanded 2015-2016 Data Resource Book shows the largest number of newly-accredited ACGME programs in over a decade, driving an increase in future US physicians who will serve the nation's health care needs.

Sidney Kimmel Medical College Renames Award in Honor of ACGME CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP

The first Thomas J. Nasca, M.D. Award for Distinguished Teaching and Dedication to Student Medical Education was presented June 1 at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College Class Day Program, named to honor the ACGME's CEO.

ACGME Announces Funding Recipients for Resident-led Back to Bedside Initiative

Thirty proposals were selected for their ability to enhance the resident/fellow-patient connection, and foster joy and meaning in work. A total of $130,000 at different funding levels will be awarded, renewable up to two years.

March 7, 2022

This edition of the ACGME e-Communication includes information on the recently created ACGME Frequently Asked Questions page, web pages explaining how to apply for accreditation, ACGME Award nomination details and more.