Search Result(s) for: program requirement psychiatry

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Present Your Research or Innovation at #ACGME2024!

If you are searching for an opportunity to present your research in graduate medical education (GME), you might want to consider submitting an abstract to the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference Call for Abstracts.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Wilma F. Bergfeld, MD

2021 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Wilma F. Bergfeld, is the director of the dermatopathology fellowship, a senior dermatologist, and emeritus director, dermatopathology in the departments of dermatology and pathology at the Cleveland Clinic.

NEJM Resident360 Discussion Focuses on Physician Wellness

Dink Jardine, MD, chair of the ACGME's Back to Bedside Advisory Work Group, recently participated in a discussion on NEJM Resident360 about physician well-being and wellness focusing on the resident and fellow experience.

The Value of the Resident Voice: An Interview with the Outgoing Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Residents

As Dr. Kristy Rialon winds down her tenure as Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Chairs, we sat down to discuss the Council’s role and vision, and the significance of the resident/fellow voice in the work of the ACGME.

#ACGME2023 Day 3 Recap

The third and final day of the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference was bookended by important plenaries – the first Coordinator Plenary, the Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address, and Closing Plenary.