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#ACGME2023 Networking Opportunities

Networking opportunities abound each day of the conference. Here’s a quick snapshot of some of what’s planned.

October 31, 2022

This week's edition of the e-Communication includes information on a special event highlighting the Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare recipients, the Milestones reporting window, and more.

August 1, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes information on joining the Coordinator Advisory Group, articles of the week from JGME, information on how to join Review and Recognition Committees, and more.

May 2, 2022

This week's e-Communication features registration for the Basics of Accreditation Workshop for New Coordinators and Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment, featured articles from the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME), and more.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Gregory Guldner, MD, MS

Recognizing the high rates of psychological distress of various forms for residents in training, Dr. Gregory Guldner and colleagues sought to learn whether an opt out approach would increase the number of residents who actually engaged with available therapy options.

#ACGME2022 Session Summary: Milestones for the Clinician Educator—Finding Your Path

The new Clinician Educator Milestones are designed to aid in the development and improvement of teaching competence by assessing educational skills of faculty members across the continuum of medical education. They were introduced and contextualized in a session at the 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

April 11, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes inforamtion on the new Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) Advisory Group, revised Milestones, Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program blackout dates, and more.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Han Yu Stephanie Liou, MD

2022 David C. Leach Awardee Han Yu Stephanie Liou, MD is a primary care pediatrician at Alivio Medical Center – a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Chicago. Dr. Liou recently completed a general pediatrics residency at the University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Heather McPhillips, MD, MPH of the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital

The University of Washington (UW) and Seattle Children’s Hospital’s pediatric residency program in Seattle, Washington is one of four honorees receiving the ACGME’s Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award in 2022. Program director (through February 2022) and Associate Dean of Curriculum Dr. Heather McPhillips answered the ACGME’s questions about the outstanding measures this program has taken to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Joshua Broder, MD

2022 ACGME Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Dr. Josh Broder is the program director for emergency medicine at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.