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Residents and Fellows: What Will Your Schedule Be at #ACGME2022?

The registration fee is only $95 for residents and fellows and includes all Premium registration benefits. That is far lower than any comparable in-person event, and with no travel costs and no travel days away from programs, this is a great year to attend.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Linda Ortiz Morrison , CHCP

2022 GME Institutional Coordinator Award Linda Ortiz Morrison, CHCP, is the senior director, academic affairs and institutional coordinator at Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center. 

February 14, 2022

This week's e-Communication includes information on the 2022 Annual Educational Conference, the upcoming Back to Bedside deadline, Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) articles, and new program requirements available for review and comment.

ACGME Equity Matters: Spotlight on Learning Communities Partners

ACGME Equity Matters provides a safe space for additional discussion and growth through monthly Learning Community meetings in which participants explore their new knowledge and experience with the initiative’s Fundamentals of DEI and anti-racism modules with physician subject matter experts, peer support, and advising.

ACGME e-Communication - November 9, 2020

This week's e-Communication includes information on the ACGME's position on personal protective equipment during the pandemic, a webinar on assessing residents and fellows, the opening of registration for the ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Review Committee information from multiple specialties, and more.

ACGME e-Communication - October 19, 2020

This week's e-Communication includes the opening of registration for the ACGME Annual Educational Conference, actions taken at the September ACGME Board of Directors meeting, Review Committee information from multiple specialties, and more.

The Impact of Adverse Events on Physicians and Residents

In her recent Baldwin Seminar presentation, The Impact of Adverse Events on Physicians and Residents: What Do Ethical Principles Say About Self-Care and Care of Colleagues, Dr. Joan Anzia explored psychological and physiological effects of adverse events on physicians, and what programs can do to help physicians.

Welcome to the 2020 ACGME Annual Educational Conference!

ACGME Chief of Staff and Chief Education and Organizational Development Officer Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, PhD welcomes the GME community—both literally and virtually—to the 2020 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with 2020 ACGME Awardee Donald L. Gilbert, MD, MS

2020 ACGME Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee Donald L. Gilbert, MD, MS is the residency program director for child neurology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.