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My Conference Experience: Behind the Scenes with the ACGME’s Victoria Kreps, PMP

ACGME Educational Project Manager Victoria Kreps, PMP’s name is likely familiar to anyone who has attended or participated in any recent ACGME educational course or the Annual Educational Conference.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with David A. Wininger, MD

2021 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Awardee David A. Wininger, MD is the internal medicine residency program director at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. He specializes in infectious disease.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Lorene Cudjoe

Lorene Cudjoe's poster, Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in Graduate Medical Education through Mentorship, presented at #ACGME2021, highlights a program designed to pair volunteer mentors with medical students preparing for the Match, for a look into how mentorship could help students identifying as racial or ethnic minorities match more successfully into their specialty of choice.

‘It’s Ours to Do’: Fairness, Equity, and the Moral Determinants of Health

Dr. Donald Berwick delivered a powerful and stirring call to action in his 2021 Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address on Friday, February 26.

February 22, 2021

This week's edition of the e-Communication includes information on #ThankaResidentDay; the Annual Educational Conference; the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Forum; ACGME Award nominations, and more.

#ACGME2021 for Program Directors

The 2021 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers unique opportunities for new and experienced program directors to come together virtually to learn, connect, and recharge.

January 11, 2021

This week's e-Communication includes information on the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys, Review and Comment for program requirements, the Annual Educational Conference, and more.

Keynote and Closing Plenary Addresses Announced for #ACGME2021

The recently announced Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address and Closing Plenary will be delivered by dynamic, influential, and engaging leaders addressing topics of interest in GME and the world at large today.

The Value of the Resident Voice: An Interview with the Outgoing Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Residents

As Dr. Kristy Rialon winds down her tenure as Chair of the ACGME Council of Review Committee Chairs, we sat down to discuss the Council’s role and vision, and the significance of the resident/fellow voice in the work of the ACGME.

My Conference Experience: Q and A with Kelli Corning

Kelli Corning is the Associate Director of the University of Washington’s internal medicine residency program. She has been actively involved in program coordinator activities throughout her career in GME and participated in the full Annual Educational Conference, and also presented at the pre-conference Coordinator Forum. Additionally, this year Ms. Corning was a recipient of the ACGME’s GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award, which she received at the conference.