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Behind the Poster: An Interview with Dr. John Madara

John Madara, MD wanted to find a way to improve incoming residents’ ability to identify and mitigate patient safety hazards, address these hazards through teamwork and collaboration, and report safety events using an online event reporting system. Dr. Madara, the chief fellow in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, worked with others to create an interactive, competitive “escape room” themed environment to stimulate learning and teamwork. His poster, Patient Safety Escape!: Engaging Residents in Patient Safety Education and Event Reporting, reports on the activity and its effectiveness in teaching residents about patient safety and online reporting procedures.

Session Summary: Successful Practices for Engaging Residents and Fellows in Patient Safety

A panel of institutional representatives and ACGME leaders discussed the successes and challenges of actively involving residents in patient safety improvement as part of the ACGME’s Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments (Pursuing Excellence) initiative. The panel convened at a sunset session at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

My Conference Experience: with Ashraf Mohamed El Ghul, MD, FACP

Dr. Ashraf Mohamed El Ghul, is the designated institutional official (DIO) and Internal Medicine Residency Program Director at Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). His institution’s and program’s experience with ACGME International brought him to the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference and we asked him to share his experience.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Meaghan Ruddy, PhD

Health provider shortage areas, comprised of urban and rural regions with high populations of people struggling with multi-morbidity and poverty, often have a challenge with physician recruitment. Dr. Meaghan Ruddy, vice president for Academic Affairs and director of Medical Education for The Wright Center for GME in Scranton, Pennsylvania, describes how a teaching health center family medicine program operationalized as a graduate medical education safety-net consortium.

The Medical Workforce of the Future: An Address by ACGME President and CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

In his President’s Plenary, ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP addressed a crowd of approximately 3,700 people with a fundamental question – “what will the medical workforce of the future look like?” The short answer is no one knows.

#ACGME2019 Days 3 and 4 Round-Up

The third day of the conference featured a morning of inspiring talks, including the President’s Plenary with ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP, and a special fireside chat, “Rediscovering Meaning in Medicine” with Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Speaker Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, 19th surgeon general of the United States. The conference wrapped up Sunday morning with “Conversations with the CEO,” at which Dr. Nasca responded to questions submitted throughout the conference.

A Few Words with 2019 Gienapp Awardee Carol Bernstein, MD

Dr. Carol A. Bernstein is the 2019 winner of the John C. Gienapp Award and the first ever women to be honored with the award--on International Woman's Day to boot! Dr. Bernstein is Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at New York University. She has spent her entire career engaged in the education and mentorship of the next generation of physicians in addition to maintaining a clinical practice in general psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine.

Capturing Dignity

A guest post from Dr. Ali Mendelson spotlights how participating in the ACGME's Back to Bedside initiative has added value to her fellowship and clinical experience in hospice and palliative medicine.

The ACGME's Baldwin Seminar Series and the Power of Interaction

Named for ACGME Senior Scholar in Residence and pioneer of interprofessional medical education Dr. DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr., the Baldwin Seminar Series has helped the ACGME shine more focus on innovation, excellence, expanded thinking, and fresh perspectives in graduate medical education.

Pre-Conference Introductory Course for New Program Directors
You’re a new program director—now what? The Introductory Course for New Program Directors will help you get started with tangible information, networking opportunities, and advice from those who’ve “been there.”