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Coalition for Physician Accountability Recommendations on Virtual Interviews for 2021-2022 Recruitment Season

The Coalition for Physician Accountability recommends interviews for the 2021-2022 recruitment cycle be conducted virtually due to the growing concerns about the Delta variant.

Coalition for Physician Accountability’s UME to GME Review Committee Seeking Public Comment on New Recommendations

The Coalition for Physician Accountability formed a committee to work on recommending solutions to identified challenges in the UME-GME transition. The draft is now available for public comment through May 26, 2021. 

Diversity and Inclusion Award Named in Honor of Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee
The ACGME is proud to announce its Diversity and Inclusion Award will now be known as the Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award in honor of Dr. Ross-Lee’s illustrious career, contributions to graduate medical education (GME), and expertise in health policy. 
ACGME statement on medical education racial discrimination allegations
The ACGME has become aware of several serious allegations of racial bias and discrimination in medical education. The ACGME has called upon the graduate medical education (GME) community to eliminate racism, implicit bias, and other forms of discrimination from GME, as well as from the greater society, via several statements and through the work of its Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
National Academy of Medicine National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being Available for Comment Through May 27

The NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience has released a draft for a National Plan for health workforce well-being and is seeking public input. The plan is intended to provide a roadmap to drive collective action to improve the well-being of the health workforce.

New ACGME Podcast, “Navigating Well-Being in Omicron’s Wake”

ACGME Senior Scholar for Well-Being Dr. Stuart Slavin leads a group of well-being scholars in discussing the impacts of the Omicron Variant and ways to move forward in a new ACGME podcast, with video recording.  

Enhanced Physician Well-Being Tools and Resources Section Now Available

The ACGME is proud to unveil an updated and more robust Well-Being Tools and Resources page for institutions, programs, residents/fellows, and faculty members to support and promote well-being in the clinical learning environment.  

Inaugural National Health Equity Grand Rounds Addresses Root Causes of Health Inequity

February 7 marked the inaugural session of the National Health Equity Grand Rounds. The event, titled “History of Racism in US Health Care: Root Causes of Today’s Hierarchy and Systems of Power,” is the first of four events scheduled for 2023.

Pathology Project Wins Back to Bedside Recognition

The ACGME would like to congratulate Drs. Kenechukwu Ojukwu (Project Leader) and Erica Fermon, the Back to Bedside project team from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) David Geffen School of Medicine/UCLA Medical Center, winners of this year’s “Shark Tank”-style competition at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, held March 7-9 in Orlando, Florida.

The ACGME and the Docs with Disabilities Initiative Partner for Disability Hub Sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Catalyst Award

The ACGME, in partnership with the Docs with Disabilities Initiative (DWDI), is a recipient of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Catalyst Award for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education for their project, Multimedia Resource Hub for Disability Inclusion in Graduate Medical Education.