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Back to Bedside Case Study: What’s in a Name?

This is one in a series of project profiles of the ACGME’s Back to Bedside initiative, which empowers residents and fellows to develop innovations that foster meaning and joy in work and engage their patients on a deeper level.

Journal Notes: What is Editorial Independence?

Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) is published by the ACGME as an editorially independent, peer-reviewed publication. But what exactly does editorial independence mean in terms of their relationship, and why is it so important to both JGME and the ACGME? These questions and answers hopefully shed some light.

My Conference Experience: Q and A with Nick Yaghmour, MPP

Nick Yaghmour is the Associate Director for Well-Being and Milestones Research at the ACGME. We asked him about his experience with the conference, his role, and what else he's working on.

New This Year: Meaning in Medicine Featured Speakers
The 2019 Annual Educational Conference will have several new and exciting features to enhance your conference experience and provide growth, learning, and networking at every turn. In an effort to prepare and motivate you as you plan your registration and conference schedule, we’re launching a series, New This Year, through which we will share updates and new opportunities you can expect when you join us in Orlando in March!
The #ACGME2024 Exhibit Hall – What to Expect

Opportunities to find or elevate your Meaning in Medicine are also available outside of sessions at #ACGME2024, including in the Exhibit Hall.

Engaging with ACGME Staff Members and Leaders at #ACGME2024

This post highlights opportunities to connect with ACGME staff members at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

We Are All Part of the Solution: A Call to Action from ACGME CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP

“All of you are a part of the solution… if there is anything we can do to help you individually or institutionally, we are here to help. I want to thank you for taking on the responsibility to make these cultural changes. It will make this change happen.”

More than 3,000 attendees gathered for the CEO Address at the Annual Educational Conference. The message was loud and clear: it’s time for us to collaborate and make change.

New Joint Initiative Launches to Create Common Set of Foundational Competencies

The ACGME, Association of American Medical Colleges, and American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine are launching an initiative to create a common set of foundational competencies for use in undergraduate medical education programs in the US.

Behind the Poster: An Interview with Saadia Akhtar, MD

For more than two years, the COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed how every person on the globe works, plays, and interacts with each other. As what many hoped would be a few weeks of fear and uncertainty stretched into months and months, no one felt this stress more than health care professionals on the frontlines.