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March 8, 2021

This week's edition of the e-Communication includes information the Annual Educational Conference; ACGME Awards; Review and Comment; and Milestones News.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Lowell Virginia (Jennie) Craft, MPPM, C-TAGME

2021 GME Institutional Coordinator Excellence Awardee Lowell Virginia (Jennie) Craft, MPPM, C-TAGME is the director, GME Office at the University of Alabama Hospital – Birmingham.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Guen Hunt, MD, LT MC USN

2021 David C. Leach Awardee Lt. Guen Hunt, MD, is a chief resident in the Medical Corps in the US Navy at the National Capital Consortium at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, specializing in internal medicine.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Thomas R. Greenwood, DO

2021 David C. Leach Awardee Thomas R. Greenwood, DO is the project lead for the family medicine department at Central Washington Family Medicine.

#ACGME2021 Summary: In His President's Plenary, Dr. Nasca Makes a Call to Action

ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Thomas J. Nasca addressed the virtual crowd of approximately 6,000 in his President’s Plenary, kicking off the ACGME Annual Educational Conference with a powerful call to action on Thursday, February 25, 2021.

The Meaning of a Name in Forging the Physician-Patient Bond
A guest post from Dr. Sara Rosenbaum of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia describes how her program's Back to Bedside project has strengthened both the patient's and family's and the physician's experience, as well as their bond.
Improving Graduate Medical Education in Haiti through Collaborative Work

The Caribbean nation of Haiti faces unique challenges in putting its philosophy that “health care is a right” into practice. Kerling Israel, MD, MPH described the work of Partners in Health/Zanmi Lasante (PIH/ZL) to improve the nation’s health care through graduate medical education (GME), and outlined the challenges faced and progress made in her recent Baldwin Seminar Series presentation, “Improving Graduate Medical Education in Haiti through Collaborative Work.” The talk was presented April 3, 2019 at the ACGME offices in Chicago. This talk was also the first of the series to be streamed online for a live audience.

Session Summary: Big Data Presents a Big Opportunity for GME Programs

During their presentation “Using Public Data to Follow Graduates into Practice,” at the 2019 Annual Educational Conference, Marc M. Triola, MD and Patrick M. Cocks, MD, from the NYU School of Medicine have leveraged large databases of publicly available information to help understand the patterns of health care practice and outcomes among graduates from programs once they have left the programs.

Back to Bedside, Back to Meaning in Medicine
Back to Bedside is an ACGME-sponsored program designed to help residents and fellows bring greater meaning to their work, by providing them with a chance to create their own projects that give them opportunities to return to patients’ bedsides in meaningful ways.
Osteopathic Sessions at the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference

The 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference offers multiple sessions focused on osteopathic medicine and accreditation and numerous opportunities for attendees from all corners of graduate medical education to learn and connect.