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“It’s OK Not to Be OK” – Establishing a Partnership for Change

As part of its commitment to staff and community well-being, the ACGME is partnering with Hope For The Day, a Chicago-based non-profit organization dedicated to mental health support and suicide prevention.

July 31, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes numerous deadlines for nominations for Review Committees; Review and Comment; a continuing education survey; and information on upcoming Health Equity Grand Rounds.

Feburary 6, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes information on Review and Comment, the incorporation of Common Program Requirement revisions into specialty-specific Program Requirements, National Health Equity Grand Rounds and more.

June 12, 2023

This week's email includes: the deadline for the 2024 Annual Educational Conference Call for Sessions; the registration for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions meeting; a variety of offices hours and new calls for Review and Recognition Committee resident/fellow members.

March 21, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes the deadline extension for the Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award, requirements available for Review and Comment, public member openings on Review Committees and more. 

June 26, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes deadlines for Review and Comment, Milestones 2.0 feedback, resident/fellow member nominations for Review Committees, and more.

April 17, 2023

This week's edition of the e-Communication includes the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions meeting Call for Submissions; a feedback opportunity on the Milestones Guidebooks; a reminder about the Year-End Milestones reporting window opening; public and resident/fellow member nominations for a variety of Review Committees; and more.

March 27, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes details about an extention on the Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award; a virtual well-being event for program directors on April 11, and more.


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