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My Conference Experience: Behind the Scenes with Lauren Wojnarowski

Lauren Wojnarowski, MA is the ACGME's Associate Director, Educational Projects, working in the Education Department's Educational Activities team. She is one of the planners of the Annual Educational Conference, and her team's role is to handle collection of educational content and logistics (besides AV) to produce the conference each year. We asked her to share some more about her role and what the conference experience is like for her behind the scenes.

A Special Welcome to the Annual Educational Conference to International GME Attendees!

On behalf of the ACGME, we welcome those of you coming to the Annual Educational Conference from outside the US, and especially those of you attending for the first time. Below are some brief thoughts to help you navigate the conference and the program.

2018 ACGME and ACGME International Awards

Each year, the Annual Educational Conference is the venue for great community gathering, information and idea sharing, networking, inspiration, and more. It’s also where we celebrate the ACGME – and now ACGME International – awardees.

10 Things to Know Before You Go to #ACGME2019

If you’re joining us in Orlando next week, here’s a quick list of tips and information to know before you arrive! See you soon!

ACGME Responds to the House Ways and Means Committee Request for Information on Resident and Fellow Education on Racial Health Equity

The ACGME responded to a letter from the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, updating the committee on the steps the ACGME is taking to address racial health inequities in the United States.

Coalition for Physician Accountability Publishes Recommendations on Movement Across Institutions for 2020-2021

The Coalition for Physician Accountability, of which the ACGME is a member, released a report and recommendations, Medical Students in the Class of 2021: Moving Across Institutions for Post Graduate Training.