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Session Summary: Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address with Holly Humphrey, MD, MACP

Dr. Holly Humphrey's Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address at the 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference included humble and heartfelt notes of appreciation and acknowledgement and a call to action to transform GME.

ACGME Answers: Resident Leave Policies

Part of the ongoing ACGME Answers series, this post aims to clarify confusion regarding the ACGME's requirements for leaves of absence.

Honoring Excellence: Q and A with Anai Kothari, MD

2022 David C. Leach Awardee Anai Kothari, MD is an assistant professor in surgical oncology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. At the time of the award nominations, Dr. Kothari was a clinical fellow in complex general surgical oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Update on Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca provides an expanded response to the executive order on immigration as it affects the graduate medical education community. Check back here for more updates on this issue.

The ACGME Joins National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Countering the US Opioid Epidemic

The collaborative was launched in recognition of the need for a national coordinated and collective response to the epidemic of opioid addiction in the US. ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP will serve on the Steering Committee.

Dr. Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP, President and CEO, Shares Single GME Updates at the AOA House of Delegates

Dr. Nasca shared information about the successful unification of the accreditation system, including representation of DOs on ACGME committees, achievement of Osteopathic Recognition by ACGME-accredited programs, and other updates.

NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-being Holds Public Meeting

The ACGME participated in the third meeting of the National Academy of Medicine's (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, which gave the public an opportunity to engage with experts on diversity, inclusion, and loneliness.

The ACGME Releases CLER National Report of Findings 2019
The CLER National Report of Findings 2019: Initial Visits to Sponsoring Institutions With 2 or Fewer Core Residency Programs was released today.
ACGME Seeks Proposals for Pursuing Excellence Pathway Leaders Patient Safety Collaborative
The ACGME is seeking up to 15 ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions to participate in an 18-month Collaborative to promote transformative improvement in the clinical learning environments of ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions.
Competitive Funding Opportunity Available for Medical Residents

The ACGME's Back to Bedside initiative seeks innovative ideas to increase time residents and fellows spend with patients and reduce physician burnout.