Search Result(s) for: program requirement psychiatry

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Resources from GME Stakeholders Congress for Opioid Use Now Available

The videos and resources from last week’s GME Stakeholders Congress on Preparing Residents and Fellows to Manage Pain and Addiction are now available to the public free of charge. To access, sign up for a Learn at ACGME account or log into an existing account to view the content.

November 7, 2022

This week's e-Communication announces the soon-to-come Program Emergency Categorization, open comments on the specialty-specific requirements for psychiatry subspecialties, a call for Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Evaluation Committee members, and more.

April 6, 2020

This special edition of the ACGME's weekly e-Communication includes a statement on personal protective equipment and new Frequently Asked Questions the ACGME is receiving regarding accreditation and recognition activities during the pandemic crisis.

Feburary 6, 2023

This week's e-Communication includes information on Review and Comment, the incorporation of Common Program Requirement revisions into specialty-specific Program Requirements, National Health Equity Grand Rounds and more.

ACGME Answers: Program Requirement Updates

Part of the ongoing ACGME Answers series, this post aims to clarify confusion regarding updates to ACGME Program Requirements.

Well-Being and Work Hour Requirements

ACGME President and CEO Dr. Nasca emphasizes the need for a focus on well-being in GME and provides an update on the 80-hour clinical work hours requirement.