Maximizing Connections at #ACGME2025

October 4, 2024

The graduate medical education (GME) community will once again gather at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference, to be held in February 2025 in Nashville, Tennessee. Each year, this event brings together thousands of GME professionals – from coordinators to faculty members, program directors, designated institutional officials, residents and fellows, ACGME staff members, and others – to learn, share, discuss, and network.

With thousands of like-minded individuals dedicated to GME in attendance, #ACGME2025 will be the perfect opportunity to grow and strengthen your professional network. Here are a few tips to maximize your time at the conference and create connections that will enrich your professional development and invigorate your personal inspiration.

Check In and Win!
We encourage attendees to check in on Wednesday evening once they arrive on site! Registration will be open 5:00-7:00 p.m. local time. This is a great opportunity to catch up and reconnect with colleagues. Get your badge printed that day and you’ll also be eligible to win gift baskets in the Wednesday Raffle – filled with goodies from local Nashville underrepresented businesses valued at $100!

Conference Badge Ribbons
They are plenty, they are colorful, they are great conversation starters! Once you check in and print your conference badge, go to the nearby stations to choose from varied badge ribbons you can affix to your badge. Tell fellow attendees a little about yourself before you even get a chance to say hello! Are you a foodie? Multilingual? Left-handed? Missing your fur baby at home? First-timer at the Annual Educational Conference?

Take it a step further and find a mentor and/or mentee at the conference! The ACGME will bring back the popular Mentor/Mentee Program, with opportunities to connect throughout the conference and in the Exhibit Hall. Be sure to pick up a “Looking for a Mentor/Mentee!” badge ribbon if you’re interested in getting involved. More information will be in the Conference Mobile App when it becomes available.

Places to Network
There will be many opportunities to network in formal and informal settings during the conference. At the unofficial welcome event, the Marvin R. Dunn Welcoming Poster Reception and Exhibitor Kick-Off on Thursday evening, attendees can visit the dozens of exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall, including the ACGME Hub (more below!); learn about new GME research and innovation from poster presenters; and enjoy a fun evening of networking with food, entertainment, and other activities.

If you are looking to accelerate your career development, visit the Career Resources area in the Exhibit Hall, which will be available all three days of the conference and will offer opportunities to refine your résumé/CV and connect with GME recruiters. During Thursday evening’s reception, you can also get a new professional headshot there!

The Exhibit Hall, where breakfast and lunch will also be served on Friday and Saturday – as well as coffee and tea during breaks throughout the conference – is not the only place for impromptu networking. Strike up a conversation in the hallways and refreshment stations before and after educational sessions, and even after the day’s learning is done. Don’t forget your badge with ribbons even after hours--there are still connections to be made!

Network with Us!
#ACGME2025 is also an opportunity to meet with ACGME leaders and staff members – even those you may have known for years virtually but never met in person!

Have a burning question that needs answering? Want to discuss an ongoing initiative? The ACGME Hub, located in the Exhibit Hall, will feature many departments and initiatives of the ACGME. Stop by to hear from and talk with staff members throughout the conference.

You’re not limited to the ACGME Hub to meet and chat with staff members, of course. Feel free to strike up a conversation after an educational session, during one of the many scheduled events, or at the Toast on the Terrace with ACGME Leadership, the traditional celebration marking the close of the conference. ACGME staff members can be easily identified by a badge ribbon and are eager to engage!

Create Meaningful Connections
As important as the many plenary and educational sessions are to strengthening GME and professional development, the value of networking cannot be understated. Striking up a conversation that could lead to a connection, which can in turn lead to professional advancement  later; a quick chat can result in a collaborative research project; the possibility that an initial handshake could evolve into a lifelong relationship—these are all examples of how prioritizing networking at #ACGME2025 can benefit attendees.

In addition, with a growing contingent of GME professionals from around the world in attendance, conference attendees will be able to discuss issues with colleagues who bring perspectives from across the globe that can expand and enrich your experience and understanding of issues that are not defined by borders.

The venue, the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, also offers many opportunities for informal networking. Stay tuned for a future post outlining all of the “extracurricular activities” that will be on offer at #ACGME2025, from yoga sessions to opportunities to give back to the local Nashville community.

We hope you’ll join us and look forward to connecting with you in Nashville in February!


Sign up to be notified as soon as registration opens, and visit the 2025 Annual Educational Conference website to view the Program Guide and learn more, so you can start planning your conference experience right away!