2018 Annual Educational Conference Wrap-Up

April 13, 2018
Stairs at the Rosen Shingle Creek reminded everyone to Save the Date for the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference!
Stairs at the Rosen Shingle Creek reminded everyone to Save the Date for the 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference!

The 2018 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Engaging Each Other: Transformation through Collaboration, concluded March 4 in Orlando, Florida. We want to thank all of the speakers, poster presenters, awardees, other attendees, Board and Committee members, staff members, exhibitors, and other participants who helped make this another outstanding and successful year for the Annual Educational Conference.

This year’s focus on engaging and collaborating was featured throughout conference highlights, which encompassed, among other important topics, sessions on physician well-being, the transition to a single GME accreditation system, diversity and equity in GME, enhancing patient safety and patient care, the Milestones, and recognition of the exceptional recipients of the 2018 ACGME Awards, including the first John C. Gienapp Award since 2012 presented to Dr. Timothy Flynn.

We hope this blog helped to describe and summarize the important and exciting content and collegial networking that make the conference what it is. We hope those of you who weren’t able to join us in person were able to connect to the discussions through the posts, images, and videos we blogged.

We piloted this blog around the conference with the goal of doing just that – engaging with those in attendance and those who could not join us in person around the wealth of critical content and sense of community at the center of the Annual Educational Conference. We hope you agree it was successful, and that you will be patient as we consider how to move beyond the conference to provide additional perspectives more broadly on the work underway at the ACGME and in the GME community at large. We’ll be back with more!

If you’re on Twitter, check out our poll about the blog to give us feedback and help us move it forward.

We also want you to save the date for next year! The 2019 ACGME Annual Educational Conference will take place March 7-10, 2019 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida. Exciting news and updates about the conference are coming soon, so stay tuned!