A Q and A with Shyam Sundaresh, MD, one of two recipients of the 2025-2027 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction, which the ACGME presents jointly with the New York Academy of Medicine.
This post in our Resources to Support GME series focuses on ACGME tools, educational opportunities, and resources for institutional and program coordinators.
Register for the 2024 National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments Meeting; submit an abstract proposal for the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference; and more.
Submit a research proposal for the Call for Abstracts; registser for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments meeting; and participate in Review and Comment.
Sharing and highlighting ACGME resources to support the mental health and well-being of those in GME and beyond in observance of Suicide Prevention Month.
Participate in a webinar about the proposed Institutional Requirements; submit an abstract to present a research poster at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference in Nashville; and apply for the Macy Catalyst Awards.
ACGME President and CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca joins NAM President Dr. Victor J. Dzau in encouraging others to join NAM’s new initiative to mobilize all health sector organizations and accelerate the national climate and health movement.
Observe Suicide Prevention Month by reviewing the ACGME's resources for Sponsoring Institutions and programs that want to improve well-being of their communities; read the #ACGME2025 Program Guide; and register for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments meeting in October.
The #ACGME2025 Program Guide is now available; review and comment on the Institutional Requirements; a new obstetrics and gynecology pilot; a new resource for overcoming barriers to mental health care; and more.
This first post in a new series focuses on resources provided by the ACGME on its website and distance learning platform for residents and fellows.