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ACGME e-Communication - November 16, 2020

November 16, 2020

Access the ACGME's COVID-19 Section
Visit the COVID-19 section of the ACGME website for access to a range of materials, including ACGME Guidance Statements, Frequently Asked Questions, Letters to the Specialty Communities, institutional and well-being resources, and more.

ACGME Annual Educational Conference Banner

Conference Registration is Open!


Join the ACGME for the 2021 Annual Educational Conference taking place virtually February 24-26, 2021. The conference theme, Meaning in Medicine: Mastering the Moment, highlights how the graduate medical education (GME) community is rising to meet the challenge of a truly unprecedented time for the health of the world. At the ACGME’s biggest learning and networking event, attendees will spend three days uniting with new and old colleagues, discovering and exchanging ideas, and discussing academic medicine’s biggest challenges and greatest achievements.

Engage with more than 250 speakers presenting more than 100 thought-provoking sessions, including half-day pre-conferences. Topics include: ACGME accreditation and initiatives; well-being; innovations in the clinical learning environment; diversity, equity, and inclusion; faculty and professional development; COVID-19; crisis management; and many others.

View the full conference schedule and learn more about #ACGME2021!

Exhibitor, Sponsor, and Job Recruiter Registration Open
Apply today for virtual booth space in the Exhibit Hall, or for one of several exciting sponsorship opportunities at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference February 24-26, 2021. The ACGME is also offering a space for institutions to post open positions in the Career Center. Recruiters can post up to 10 job postings, which will be uploaded into a searchable database that attendees can access up to three months after the conference.

Learn More about Exhibits and Sponsorships

Reserve a Booth or Sponsorship
Apply by January 22, 2021

Email questions to exhibitor@acgme.org.

NEW! Program Requirements and Recognition Requirements for Review and Comment
The following Program Requirements and Recognition Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements posted for review and comment, here:

Comment Deadline: December 30, 2020
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Comment Deadline: January 4, 2021
Clinical Informatics
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
Geriatric Medicine
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Internal Medicine-Pediatrics
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Transplant Hepatology
Sleep Medicine

UPDATE! DIO/Program Director Parental Leave Survey - Deadline Extended to Friday
The survey of DIOs and program directors on parental, medical, and caregiver leave available in the Accreditation Data System (ADS), now closes Friday, November 20 at 12:00 p.m. Central.

The survey is designed to capture the current status of institutional and program policies on parental, medical, and caregiver leave, and their impact on Sponsoring Institutions, programs, and participating sites.

Email questions to acgmecommunications@acgme.org.

Resources for Assessment Webcast Today!
ACGME Chief Research, Milestone Development, and Evaluation Officer Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP will discuss the ACGME's latest resources to help with resident/fellow assessment, Teamwork Effectiveness Assessment Module (TEAM) and Direct Observation of Clinical Care (DOCC), and how they are meant to be used to assist programs with assessment.

WEBCAST: November 16 at 1:00 p.m. Central
Register Today

Coordinator Timelines Available
The ACGME's Coordinator Advisory Group developed three timelines that summarize the types of tasks, events, and deadlines coordinators manage in a typical academic year. The timelines are designed to help new and veteran coordinators organize and prioritize their daily, weekly, and monthly projects.

The three customizable versions (for residencyfellowship, and institutional coordinators) can be found on the Additional Resources page under the Program Directors and Coordinators tab on the ACGME website.

The Advisory Group thanks the many coordinators who have contributed decades of collective knowledge and experience that aided in the creation of these materials.

Email feedback, suggestions, or questions about the timelines to coordadvgroup@acgme.org.

NEW! Draft Milestones Available for Comment
New drafts of the Milestones listed below are available for review and comment. The Milestones reporting data, along with other survey results and comments, informed the changes. The Work Groups also created Supplemental Guides to enhance understanding of the Milestones.

Deadline: Friday, December 4, 2020

Emergency Medicine 

NEW! Volunteers Needed for Work Groups
Volunteer for a Work Group reviewing the current Milestones and determine what, if any, changes need to be made, by specialty. Members of the GME community are invited to serve on these work groups.

Nominees must be proficient in one or more of the Competencies, be familiar with the Milestones, and need not be physicians. Participants will be selected based on multiple criteria, including level of expertise, specialty and regional diversity, and need.

Deadline: Sunday, December 6, 2020
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reproductive Surgery
Gynecologic Oncology
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Email questions to milestones@acgme.org.

Milestones Mid-Year Reporting Open Until January 14
The reporting window will be open throughThursday, January 14, 2021. Milestones assessments can be submitted via the ACGME's Accreditation Data System (ADS) at any point during this time. A list of specialties that have transitioned to Milestones 2.0 can be found on the Milestones page.

For technical assistance, email ADS@acgme.org.
For content questions, email milestones@acgme.org.

Save the Date! Ophthalmology
The Review Committee will host a Review Committee Update webinar for program directors and coordinators Monday, January 25, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Central. There will also be an opportunity to meet one-on-one virtually with the Review Committee Chair and Executive Director on the afternoon of Thursday, January 28, 2021.

Continue reading the weekly e-Communication and other ACGME communications for details as the webinar approaches.

Review Committee News and Notices: Orthopaedic Surgery
The Case Log System has been updated to reflect new required minimums in hand surgery for a set of 18 defined case categories, which are now in effect. Expectations for recording CPT codes for each case were also revised.

These changes are described in the Hand Surgery Case Log Coding Guidelines document available on the Documents and Resources page in the Orthopaedic Surgery section of the ACGME website. Included in this document is a list of the defined case categories, the required minimum numbers and CPT codes included in each category.

Email questions to Executive Director Pamela Derstine, PhD, MHPE.

Career Opportunities
The ACGME currently has the following open positions:

Accreditation Standards Administrator
Administrative Assistant, CLER Operations
Executive Director, Surgical Accreditation
Payroll and HR Coordinator

Click on the position linked above for details and to complete an application.