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January 17, 2023

January 17, 2023
Keynote and Closing Plenary Speakers Announced!

The ACGME is pleased to announce an impressive line-up plenary speakers at #ACGME2023! To learn more about the sessions and speakers, visit the Keynote Sessions page.

Healing from Trauma: Impacts on the Health Care Community

Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10:00 a.m. Central

A Conversation on the Future of Graduate Medical Education
Saturday, February 25, 2023, 4:00 p.m. Central

Additional plenaries cover important, timely topics in graduate medical education (GME), including an interview between ACGME Chief Education Officer Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, MA, PhD and US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA. Learn more about the 2023 Featured Plenaries here.

Email questions to registration@acgme.org.

Job Board Postings, Exhibits, and Sponsorships

Submit postings for the conference's online job board by February 10, 2023. (Conference attendance is not required to submit a job listing.)

Opportunities for exhibits and sponsorships are also available, but going fast! Review the 2023 Exhibitor Prospectus and reserve a booth or sponsorship. The deadline to secure a sponsorship or exhibit space is Wednesday, January 18.

Email questions to acgmeexhibits@executivevents.com.

NEW! Updated Review and Comment Form

The ACGME announces a new Review and Comment form. Responding to feedback from the community on the prior comment form and submission process, staff developed a new electronic form with hope to alleviate some of the administrative burden. The new form reduces the number of steps and keeps the process entirely online. Moving forward, submission of comments on Program Requirements will only be accepted using the electronic form, which will be available on the Review and Comment page of the ACGME website during the 45-day public review and comment period. Impact Statements and the proposed Program Requirements documents will remain on this page until the Board of Directors has voted on them, at which point they will move to the relevant specialty’s section of the website.

NEW! Review and Comment

The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment here:

Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology
Cardiovascular Disease
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
Critical Care Medicine
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
Hematology and Medical Oncology
Infectious Disease
Interventional Cardiology
Medical Oncology
Pulmonary Critical Care
Pulmonary Disease
Transplant Hepatology
Sleep Medicine

NEW! Requirement Clarification - Emergency Medicine

Current Program Requirement II.A.2.b) states:

"Program directors of programs approved for 18-35 residents must be provided no less than 35 percent of the aggregate support defined in the table above, and program directors of programs approved for 36 or more residents must be provided no less than 50 percent of the aggregate support defined in the table above [II.A.2.a)].”(Core)

There has been confusion in the community regarding the term “aggregate.” The Review Committee will initiate a focused revision to make the following change for clarity:

“Program directors of programs approved for 18-35 residents must be provided no less than 35 percent of the aggregate support defined in the table above, and program directors of programs approved for 36 or more residents must be provided no less than 50 percent of the aggregate support defined in the table above [II.A.2.a)].” (Core)

NEW! Now Accepting Nominations for the 2024 ACGME Awards!

The ACGME recognizes notable designated institutional officials, program directors, residents and fellows, institutional and program coordinators, programs, institutions, and specialty organizations for their outstanding work and contributions to graduate medical education through its Awards Program, which includes:

  • John C. Gienapp Award
  • Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
  • David C. Leach Award
  • Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award
  • GME Institutional Coordinator Excellence Award
  • NEW! Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Award
  • Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award
  • Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award

Nomination materials are available on each award's page in the Awards section of the ACGME website.

NEW! Provide Feedback on Milestones 2.0

The GME community is invited to give feedback on the drafts of the Milestones listed below. The Milestones reporting data, along with other survey results and comments, informed the changes. The Work Groups also created Supplemental Guides to enhance understanding of the Milestones.

Adolescent Medicine
Child Abuse Pediatrics
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Critical Care
Pediatric Endocrinology
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatric Rheumatology

Resident/Fellow and Faculty Survey Update

The reporting period for the ACGME’s annual surveys will open on February 13, 2023. As with last year’s survey cycle, the reporting period will run for eight weeks. As the survey results are valued by programs and institutions for their continuous quality improvement efforts, further extension of the survey window could delay release of program and comparison data. The ACGME anticipates that programs will still receive their reports in early May.

The process for informing programs, faculty members, and residents/fellows of survey windows will remain unchanged from previous years. Beginning with the 2024 surveys, however, the ACGME plans to update this process and alert individuals directly about the availability of the surveys and their requested participation and deadlines. This change will be made as part of the ACGME’s overall efforts toward reducing the administrative burden on designated institutional officials, program directors, and coordinators.

Submit CLER Blackout Dates by January 26

The window for submitting Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) visit blackout dates is open now through January 26, 2023 for blocking off dates in the period highlighted below. Sponsoring Institutions can submit up to four blackout weeks during this period.

Upcoming Windows for Entering Blackout Weeks

  • January 1-26: Submit requests for April-June 2023
  • April 1-26: Submit requests for July-September 2023
  • July 1-26: Submit requests for October-December 2023
  • October 1-26: Submit requests for January-March 2024

To enter blackout dates in the Accreditation Data System, click here. Review more information and common questions/answers regarding CLER blackout weeks here.

Email questions to CLER@acgme.org.

NEW! ACGME Seeks Public Member

The following Review Committee seeks its next public member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2024. Public members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Review Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Emma Breibart- White
Deadline: March 31, 2023

NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week

Learning From the 2021 Ophthalmology Match: Virtual Residency Matching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sahil Aggarwal, MD; C. Ellis Wisely, MD, MBA; Misha Syed, MD, MEHP; R. Michael Siatkowski, MD; Pratap Challa, MD
Recognizing the impact of a fully virtual process is crucial to informing the future of the residency Match and developing a new standardized interview process. This study examines a single specialty, ophthalmology, during its mandated virtual 2021 match, and is the first to analyze the outcomes of a fully virtual process on Match outcomes.

Infertility: A Hidden Cost of Medical Training
Sophia Lindekugel, MD; Hari Kota, BA; Akiko Chiba, MD; Jeffrey L. Deaton, MD; Janelle K. Moulder, MD, MSCR
Since medical education and training often occurs in the critical biological window for childbearing, there is an association between infertility and medical training, linked with anxiety, depression, loss of control, and feelings of failure. This Perspectives article argues that infertility and family planning ought to be brought into the forefront of discussions concerning physician well-being, and offers specific recommendations to support resident/fellow family planning.

Leadership Skills Training Programs for Chief Residents

Learn More and Register Today

This workshop is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. Small-group sessions and exercises offer incoming chief residents the tools, skills, and a learning environment designed to increase their understanding of their personal leadership styles, strengths, and weaknesses as leaders, developing knowledge and appreciation of group and interpersonal behavior and learning additional skills critical to success and satisfaction as both a clinician and leader.

All eight programs, held in Chicago and Philadelphia, are open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties. 

Email questions about the course to Ann Riley. Email registration questions to registration@acgme.org.

Career Opportunities

The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.

View Open Positions