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February 3, 2025

February 3, 2025

Online Registration Closed
Onsite Registration Available!

Connect with colleagues at the world's largest gathering for graduate medical education (GME), which will feature:

Networking Highlight: Mentor/Mentee Program

#ACGME2025 offers a fantastic chance to network with GME professionals from across the globe. Take it further by finding a mentor or mentee! Pick up a “Looking for a Mentor/Mentee!” ribbon at Registration to participate. The ACGME provides dedicated spaces in the Career Resources Area in the Exhibit Hall and connections through the Conference Mobile App.

THURSDAY! ACGME Annual Educational Conference Job Board

This is the last week recruiters, institutions, and programs can add their open job positions and reach thousands of GME community job seekers before and during the conference on the Annual Educational Conference Job Board!

Learn More and View Current Job Listings

Email questions to conferencejobboard@acgme.org.

NEW! Take a Survey About Milestones 2.0

The ACGME, in collaboration with Dr. Laura E. Hirshfield, PhD, at University of Illinois Chicago, is soliciting the GME community’s perspectives and experiences regarding the implementation and use of Milestones 2.0 to inform the next iteration of the program. An email with a detailed description of the survey was sent January 30 and can be read here: Your Opinion Matters! Take Our Milestones 2.0 Survey

Only aggregated summary results will be shared with the ACGME. By keeping the survey anonymous, the ACGME strongly encourages honest feedback to improve the Milestones framework to better serve the GME community and its learners.

The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete; submit answers by Sunday, March 30, 2025.

Direct questions to milestones@acgme.org or Dr. Hirshfield at lhirshf@uic.edu.

Access the Survey

NEW! MUA/P Interest Group Will Meet in Person at #ACGME2025

The ACGME hosts a monthly virtual interest group session for GME community members involved in addressing the needs of MUA/Ps, which are places or communities with groups of people who have unmet health or health care needs.  During the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, an in-person meeting of the interest group will take place. Session: February 22, 2025 at 7:00 a.m. Central RSVP: Email muap@acgme.org to sign up. Space is limited to 50 participants. Participants must also be registered for the conference to attend. Breakfast will be provided.

Register for the In-Person Event

The meetings will continue in their virtual format in March. These one-hour Zoom calls will take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Central and are open to the entire GME community.

Session: March 18 at 1:00 p.m. Central
Topic: Place-Based Training in Rural and Underserved GME: How to Measure Where Residents Are Training

Register for the March Virtual Session

Clinician Educator Journal Club

The ACGME's Clinician Educator Journal Club is a monthly online meeting on the third Thursday of each month gathering together current and future clinician educators, authors, and ACGME staff members to discuss journal articles and timely topics in medical education. Participants should read the article ahead of time and come with questions.

Next Session: Thursday, February 20, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central
Article: Enriching Resident Engagement During Whiteboard Mini-Talks
Speakers: Ryan E. Nelson, MD

Once registered, add acgme@theonlinexpo.com as an allowed email to receive monthly updates and journal club meeting reminders; skipping this step may result in missing important information. Note: This address does not receive emails.

Send registration questions to virtualevents@acgme.org.

Join the Clinician Educator Journal Club

2026 ACGME Awards

The ACGME is accepting nominations for the 2026 ACGME Awards, which showcase the extraordinary contributions, diversity, and strengths of the GME community. Applications for the awards are available in the Awards section of the website. Nominations are due March 12, 2025. 

Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys

The reporting period for the ACGME’s annual Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys opens February 10, 2025, and will run for eight weeks, ending April 4, 2025. The ACGME anticipates sending survey reports in early May. The ACGME will send Sponsoring Institution and program leadership survey alerts at the beginning and throughout the administration period. Program leaders are still charged with alerting their survey takers regarding participation, using the existing mechanisms in ADS, during the survey administration period. Programs should review and, if necessary, update their Resident/Fellow and Faculty Rosters in ADS before the surveys open to ensure accurate scheduling of participants.

NEW! Review Committee for Orthopaedic Surgery Chair to Hold Office Hours in Nashville

Program leaders can meet with Chair Scott Porter, MD, MBA at the 2025 Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD) Winter Conference. Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. February 14 at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

Email Accreditation Administrator Stephanie Lose with questions or to schedule an appointment.

Nuclear Medicine Program Directors Sought for Interviews

The Review Committee will soon begin work on the 10-year major revision of the Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Nuclear Medicine. To inform this revision, activities planned include a literature review; one-on-one interviews with members of key stakeholder groups; development and administration of a survey on key issues relevant to nuclear medicine education; and a stakeholder summit to be held in 2025.

As this work begins, the ACGME seeks 10 current nuclear medicine program directors to participate in one-on-one, one-hour interviews to provide their perspectives on the future of nuclear medicine residency education. Interested program directors should complete this form.

Email questions to AST@acgme.org.

Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents

The Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. The program introduces leadership concepts to enhance individual effectiveness in a leadership role. The program is three full days and is open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties. Nine sessions will be offered in Chicago in 2025:

  • March 24-26
  • April 7-9
  • April 13-15
  • April 16-18
  • April 28-30
  • May 5-7
  • May 8-10
  • May 19-21
  • May 28-30

Email questions to Bethanie Alden, MPA.

Register Today!

Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment

This course helps participants build effective assessment programs for their residency or fellowship. Topics include assessment methods, feedback, direct observation, Clinical Competency Committees, and more. The spring course will be offered in Chicago, Illinois, in a six-day session March 30-April 4, 2025. Registration closes March 3, 2025.

Email questions to facultydevelopment@acgme.org.

Learn More and Register

NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week

Characteristics of ADHD in Struggling Residents and Fellows
Karen M. Warburton, MD; Joanna S. Yost, PhD; Stephanie D. Bajo, PsyD; James R. Martindale, PhD, MEd; Andrew S. Parsons, MD, MPH; Michael S. Ryan, MD, MEHP
Through a retrospective review of data, the authors of this study found that one in five learners referred to a GME remediation program had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and most were not being treated for ADHD when referred. The deficits identified suggest an ADHD phenotype in GME that may be considered for struggling residents and fellows.

Planetary Health and Climate Change Committee: A Resident-Led Initiative for Education, Advocacy, and Action
TlalliAztlan Moya-Smith, MD; Jacob Gordon, MD; Tala Radejko, MD; Rachel Weinstock, MD
Resident physicians today will face more climate-related challenges for their patients, their practices, and themselves than any prior generation of physicians, regardless of specialty. The authors discuss a resident-led model for introducing climate health education and environmental justice advocacy into a residency curriculum, using relevant literature from other resident-led initiatives and their own experience.

Career Opportunities

The ACGME seeks dedicated individuals to join the organization in roles such as Senior Health Research Analyst, CLER Program Field Representative, and more! Learn about these and other openings that support the ACGME Mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education by visiting our Career Center.