Residents and Fellows

ACGME Competitive Funding Opportunity for Medical Residents

Medical Training Magazine writes about the ACGME's new Back to Bedside initiative and grant opportunity for residents and fellows.

May 2017

Competitive Funding Opportunity Available for Medical Residents

The ACGME's Back to Bedside initiative seeks innovative ideas to increase time residents and fellows spend with patients and reduce physician burnout.

May 2017

Why So Many Young Doctors Work Such Awful Hours

This article, published in The Atlantic, explores how residencies are structured to serve the dual, often dueling, aims of training the profession’s next generation and minding the hospital’s labor needs.

February 2017

Update on Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca provides an expanded response to the executive order on immigration as it affects the graduate medical education community. Check back here for more updates on this issue.

February 2017

Immigration Policy

ACGME CEO Dr. Nasca addresses the Executive Order on immigration with the graduate medical education community.