Be Inspired at #ACGME2024
Just two weeks away, the ACGME Annual Educational Conference is always a great place for productive exchanges of ideas! After three days of insightful conversations and broadening horizons, attendees will leave motivated and inspired to support the future of academic medicine.
Learn about On-Site Registration
NEW! Browse the Annual Educational Conference Job Board
Looking to find a new career opportunity in GME? The Annual Educational Conference Job Board features open positions at Sponsoring Institutions and programs across the US. The Job Board will stay live through until March 31, 2024.
THURSDAY! Review and Comment: Proposed Program Requirements
The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statement are posted for review and comment here.
General Surgery
Review and Comment: Subspecialty Proposal
As part of the ongoing effort to encourage participation of the GME community and the public in the process of reviewing potential new specialties or subspecialties for accreditation, the ACGME offers a 45-day comment period to the community of interest regarding proposed new specialties and subspecialties. Information about the subspecialty under consideration and accompanying proposal is available for review here.
Health Security (Multidisciplinary)
NEW! Revised Guide to the Common Program Requirements (Fellowship) Available
Take advantage of this searchable reference tool for designated institutional officials, program directors, coordinators, and anyone involved in ACGME accreditation of fellowship programs. The guide aligns with the Common Program Requirements currently in effect. By offering practical guidance for fulfilling the requirements, it is designed to help reduce administrative burden. A version for residency programs is also available.
Access the Guide to the Common Program Requirements
Accreditation of Combined and Integrated Programs
In response to the need for ongoing assessment of the quality of the educational experience for residents/fellows in combined programs, as well as growing interest within the GME community in integrated training formats, the ACGME has developed a plan to initiate accreditation of such programs. Combined programs are designed to provide residents/fellows with education in two or more specialties/subspecialties while reducing the residents’ overall education and training time. In integrated programs, a resident/fellow completes a) a residency program and a fellowship program; or b) two residency programs, or c) two fellowship programs, with the required experiences from both integrated into a single program and the overall length of education and training is unchanged. At its meeting the first weekend in February, the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the proposed plan. Following is a brief outline of this plan and timeline moving forward:
Existing unaccredited combined programs currently listed in the ACGME’s Accreditation Data System (ADS) will be offered the opportunity to opt into the accreditation process without having to apply for accreditation. Note that the current process for accreditation of combined internal medicine-pediatrics programs will not be affected or changed.
Programs that opt in, and any future applications, will be systematically assigned through ADS to one of the participating Review Committees, so that program assignments will be evenly divided.
The ACGME will develop a set of Program Requirements specific to programs offering combined or integrated formats.
Next steps:
The ACGME anticipates the proposed Program Requirements will be posted for a 45-day public review and comment period in April 2024.
The final Program Requirements will then be reviewed by the Committee on Requirements of the Board of Directors and the Board for approval at the Board’s September 2024 meeting.
Pending approval, applications for new combined and integrated programs will be available to the GME community on the ACGME website in the fall of 2024. Current unaccredited programs that choose to opt into the accreditation process will receive an accreditation status of Initial Accreditation effective July 1, 2025.
The ACGME will continue to update the community, via this e-Communication and via program-specific communications, as applicable, on a regular basis throughout this process. Direct questions to
Join the Inaugural ACGME Clinician Educator Journal Club
The Journal Club will be a monthly online meeting of graduate medical educators, authors, and ACGME staff members coming together to discuss the latest journal articles and timely topics in medical education.
Topic: Creation of the Clinician Educator Milestones
When: Thursday, March 21, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central
Speakers: John Mahan, MD and Amy Miller Juve, EdD, MEd
Moderator: Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE, ACGME Senior Vice President, Competencies, Milestones, and Faculty Development
There is no cost to attend, and the session is open to all. Registration is required.
ACGME Seeks Members for MUA/P Advisory Group
The ACGME seeks nominations of a resident/fellow and senior clinical executive leader (e.g., chief executive officer, chief medical officer, chief nursing officer) for the MUA/P Advisory Group. This group provides consultation concerning implementation of the ACGME’s framework for MUA/P and GME. Nominations are due by March 17, 2024.
The senior clinical executive leader will serve up to three years with the option of renewing for an additional three-year term. Resident/fellow members will serve two-year terms. Self-nominations are accepted.
Details: Additional information is available on the MUA/P Advisory Group web page of the ACGME website.
Contact: Laney McDougal
Deadline: March 17, 2024
Women with Disabilities in Medicine/Disability in Graduate Medical Education Panel: Transitioning from UME to GME
Leaders and learners will share insights on navigating the pathway from medical school to residency, thriving as a resident with a disability, and addressing the unique challenges that often disproportionally impact women. The panel discussion will be moderated by ACGME Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pilar Ortega, MD.
Now Accepting Nominations for the 2025 ACGME Awards!
The ACGME recognizes notable designated institutional officials, program directors, residents and fellows, institutional and program coordinators, programs, institutions, and specialty and not-for-profit organizations for their outstanding work and contributions to GME through its Awards Program, which includes:
John C. Gienapp Award
Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
David C. Leach Award
Debra L. Dooley GME Program Coordinator Excellence Award
GME Institutional Coordinator Excellence Award
Lewis Blackman Patient Safety Award
Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award
Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award
Nomination materials are available on each award's page in the Awards section of the ACGME website. The nomination deadline is March 27 at 5:00 p.m. Central.
Back to Bedside Funding Available
The ACGME's Back to Bedside initiative is designed to empower residents and fellows to develop transformative projects that foster meaning and joy in work and allow them to engage on a deeper level with what is at the heart of medicine: their patients.
This Back to Bedside funding cycle offers two options for applicants to consider:
The Open Innovation option is intended to provide flexibility for novel proposals.
The Project in a Box - Focused Innovation option offers residents and fellows from all specialties a successful project example to use as inspiration for further innovation.
Proposals are due by April 22, 2024.
Help spread the word! Share this flyer with residents and fellows.
NEW! Articles of the Week
Accuracy of Entrustment-Based Assessment: Implications for Programs and Patients
C. Jessica Dine, MD, MSHP; Lisa N. Conforti, MPH; Eric S. Holmboe, MD; Jennifer R. Kogan, MD
Use of entrustment scales is growing, but it is not known whether they improve the accuracy of single observations. In this study, entrustment decision accuracy was measured using standardized resident performance; ratings varied significantly.
A Longitudinal Pediatric Primary Care Residency Tailored to Meet Workforce Need: A 10-Year Evaluation
Katherine A. Jordan, MD; Elizabeth Kaye Gable, MD; Andrew P. Morgan, MD, PhD; Kenya McNeal-Trice, MD; Julie S. Byerley, MD, MPH
This study compared graduates of a primary care residency program to their categorical peers, and found graduates of the primary care program are more likely to come from demographic groups historically underrepresented in medicine and are more likely to be employed in primary care.
Call for Nominations for Resident/Fellow Members of the JGME Editorial Board
JGME is seeking current residents or fellows for open resident editor positions on its Editorial Board. Selected editors will join a diverse board representing a wide range of specialties and institutions. The deadline for receipt of nomination materials is Monday, March 11, 2024. There are two resident/fellow editor positions:
- Position A: Residents or fellows who wish to learn about and participate in the manuscript submission to final decision process for JGME (up to four positions available)
- Position B: Residents or fellows who want to participate in the visual abstract program for accepted articles (up to three positions available)
Candidates should email their CV and a brief letter of interest to The letter should include a statement that the applicant’s program director supports participation and whether the applicant is interested in position A or B.
Visit for details; email questions to
Call for Public Member
The following Review Committee seeks its next public member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2024. Public members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Review Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.
Details: Additional information is available under the Documents and Resources tab on the Dermatology page of the ACGME website.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: March 15, 2024
UPDATE! Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Pediatrics
The Program Requirements that go into effect July 1, 2025 have been updated to correct an error in the specialty-specific Background and Intent related to requirement II.B.4.c). The document is available under the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications tab of the Pediatrics section of the ACGME website.
Case Log Update for Urology
Effective this week, the reconstructive surgery minimum subcategories will have gender references removed to better reflect current norms and terminology. The new required minimums for reconstructive surgery reflect a careful review of urology program graduates’ Case Log data after removal of gender designation. Additionally, pediatric reconstructive surgery cases now give credit to both the pediatric and reconstructive surgery minimum(s). For example, a bladder augmentation will count toward the reconstructive surgery minimum whether performed in a 19-year-old or a five-year-old, with the former still tracked as an adult case and the latter as a pediatric case. The Case Log Information: Urology document has been updated to reflect these changes and can be found on the Documents and Resources tab on the Urology page of the ACGME website.
The new reconstructive surgery minimums are in effect for the 2024 urology program graduates. Beginning with the 2025 graduates, failure to achieve a reconstructive surgery minimum will be subject to citation. While it is not anticipated that programs will have difficulty meeting the new minimums, any challenges should be addressed in the Major Changes and Other Updates section during the next ADS Annual Update.
Email questions to Executive Director Laura Huth.
A Systems Approach to Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment
This course will be offered May 5-10, 2024 at the ACGME office in Chicago, Illinois.
The course is designed to help participants build effective assessment programs for their residency or fellowship. Sessions are highly interactive and use multiple learning approaches, including simulation practice, peer consultations, and application exercises, to provide participants with methods and tools for effective assessment. The course also provides a roadmap for developing an assessment system to assist participants in implementing changes within their own institution.
Email questions to Faculty Development Program Manager Chandra Hill.
Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents 2024 Dates Announced
The Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. The program introduces leadership concepts to enhance individual effectiveness in a leadership role.
The program is three full days and is open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties. Eight sessions will be offered in 2024:
March 25-27, Chicago, Illinois
April 8-10, Redondo Beach, California
April 11-13, Redondo Beach, California
April 29-May 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 6-8, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 9-11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
June 13-15, Chicago, Illinois
June 18-20, Chicago, Illinois
Email questions to Manager, Well-Being Initiatives Bethanie Alden.
Career Opportunities
The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.