Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME) Article Analyzes Medical Education Migration Patterns
There is consistent and substantial movement in geographic location for individuals transitioning from medical school to residency over the past three academic years, according to a new JGME article, "From Medical School to Residency: Transitions During the COVID-19 Pandemic," written by ACGME staff members and leaders. As new physicians prepare for their PGY-1 this academic year, which begins July 1, 2020, their Sponsoring Institutions may need to provide additional support given the COVID-19 pandemic and recent nationwide protests against police brutality and racial discrimination, the authors state.
The article has been published ahead of print on the JGME website.
The movement of medical students and residents during the COVID-19 pandemic may have implications nationwide considering the variability of the outbreak across the US, but little had been published on what those migration patterns look like. This article provides a systems-level view of the likely magnitude of the relocation transitions from medical school to residency in June 2020 and to highlight the need for implementation of policies for and oversight of these transitions.
ACGME Director, Population Health Research and Educational Outreach Lauren M. Byrne, MPH; ACGME Chief Research, Milestone Development, and Evaluation Officer Eric S. Holmboe, MD; ACGME Chief Communication and Public Policy Officer John R. Combes, MD; and ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP authored the article.
Understanding that the start of this academic year is unlike any other in recent memory, the Coalition for Physician Accountability, of which the ACGME is a member, published recommendations for institutions and programs accepting PGY-1 residents, as well as for those accepting residents transitioning to fellowship programs.