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VIDEO: Dr. Thomas J. Nasca Addresses Graduating Residents and Fellows

June 4, 2020

ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP recently recorded a message for all residents and fellows completing their education program this spring—in the midst of a global pandemic, caring for patients on the front lines during an extraordinary time.

In the video, Dr. Nasca lauds the residents and fellows for embodying altruism and heroism, with their constant dedication to providing not only quality medical care but also providing a human touch.

“You demonstrated the quiet persistent bravery of doing the right thing for the right reason even when not in your own best interest. you took reasonable risk to your health and well-being in order to save lives. But you went further; you demonstrated respect, compassion, empathy, and love for strangers, strangers in their time of need,” he says.

Dr. Nasca also expresses his concerns for resident and fellow well-being in the wake of the pandemic. He encourages the physicians to watch for the signs of depression and burnout in themselves and in their teams, to be open about these challenges, and to support each other.

Finally, Dr. Nasca encourages the physicians who have seen first-hand how the virus has highlighted and exacerbated disparities in health care to use that knowledge and the respect the public has for the medical profession to reduce these disparities going forward.

“It is time for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals to show America how to treat each other,” he says.

The seven-minute, 30-second video is accessible on the ACGME’s Vimeo channel, and Sponsoring Institutions and programs are encouraged to incorporate it into their commencement activities and/or distribute it directly to their residents and fellows.

Email inquiries to ACGME Senior Director, External Communications Susan White: swhite@acgme.org.