The ACGME is proud to announce the 2025 recipients of the ACGME Awards, showcasing the extraordinary contributions, diversity, and strengths of the graduate medical education community.
At its September 2024 annual meeting, the ACGME Board of Directors approved the following slate of officers. George E. Thibault, MD is the new Chair of the ACGME Board. Jessica L. Bienstock, MD, MPH is the Board’s new vice chair. Josepha A. Cheong, MD is the Board’s new treasurer.
More than 300 designated institutional officials, institutional coordinators, and other members of the graduate medical education (GME) community attended the ACGME’s third National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments meeting, Building Connections, Leading Change, at the ACGME Conference Center and online October 8 and 9, 2024.
“With all the complexity of this issue, it’s not enough to tackle this just from the educational angle, it’s not enough just to do policy, it’s not enough to do research alone. It’s multidimensional.”
The ACGME is proud to announce the release of the latest edition of its annual Data Resource Book. This comprehensive resource provides the graduate medical education (GME) community and the public with the latest GME data covering the period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
The Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models, co-chaired by the ACGME, Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), and Intealth, has released draft preliminary recommendations for public comment, aimed at guiding state medical boards and policymakers in developing new licensing pathways for internationally trained physicians. The recommendations, which focus on eligibility requirements, are available for feedback until December 6, 2024, with final guidance expected in early 2025. Learn more and share your comments by visiting the FSMB website.
A new article published in JAMA co-authored by hashtagACGME Senior Vice President, Competencies, Milestones, and Faculty Development Dr. Laura Edgar discusses “Proposed Nutrition Competencies for Medical Students and Physician Trainees.” The researchers identified 36 competencies for recommendation, falling into six nutrition-related themes.
A two-day visit to Jakarta by ACGME leaders reinforced the growing relationship as ACGME Global Services works with Indonesia’s Ministry of Health to improve the scale and quality of GME and training in the fourth-most-populous country in the world.
ACGME President and CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca joins NAM President Dr. Victor J. Dzau in encouraging others to join NAM’s new initiative to mobilize all health sector organizations and accelerate the national climate and health movement.
The ACGME is pleased to announce that Mary E. Klingensmith, MD will assume the role of Chief Accreditation Officer effective August 31. In her new role, Dr. Klingensmith will lead activities related to the Review and Recognition Committees for graduate medical education.