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ACGME e-Communication - June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020

NEW! The 2021 Annual Educational Conference is Going Virtual!
The health and safety of all attendees, exhibitors, and personnel remain our top priority. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be bravely battled by the GME community, the ACGME has made the difficult decision to host the 2021 Annual Educational Conference virtually.

Attendees will have the opportunity to access sessions and events on a virtual platform. As one of the largest graduate medical education gatherings in the world, the ACGME will continue to provide and share the same depth of content and innovations, as well as the opportunity to connect and network. The conference will likely take place in February 2021. Official dates will be announced later this summer. As plans for the conference unfold, and more information is available for navigating the virtual platform and registering, details will be shared through this e-Communication and via email, on the ACGME website, and on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Email questions to acgmeconference@acgme.org.

DEADLINE FRIDAY! Calls for Sessions: 2021 Annual Educational Conference and Pre-Conferences
The Calls for Sessions for the 2021 Annual Educational Conference are open! Session proposals are being accepted for the Educational Conference, the Coordinator Forum Pre-Conference, and the ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Pre-Conference.

Learn More and Submit a Proposal
Proposals Due: THIS FRIDAY, June 26, 2020 11:59 p.m. Central

Annual Educational Conference: acgmeconference@acgme.org
Coordinator Forum Pre-Conference: coordinatorforum@acgme.org
ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Pre-Conference: SingleGME@acgme.org

NEW! Sponsoring Institution Emergency Categorization
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues in the US, the response and needs of the graduate medical education (GME) community also continue to evolve. The ACGME continues to monitor the situation in order to ensure that its accreditation processes are responsive to the circumstances.

In all cases, Sponsoring Institutions and programs must ensure that residents and fellows can successfully complete their programs and become eligible for board certification. In recognition of this imperative, and of the ongoing adaptation of GME operations in the pandemic, the ACGME's new framework for Emergency and Non-Emergency categorization of Sponsoring Institutions provides a process for managing accreditation concerns resulting from pandemic-related educational disruption.

Starting July 1, 2020, the ACGME is sunsetting its "Three Stages" and implementing a new binary approach to the characterization of GME operations during the pandemic, with a Non-Emergency Category and an Emergency Category. Institutions must apply for Emergency Category acknowledgement. Institutions that have not applied for this acknowledgement default to the Non-Emergency Category, in which all ACGME Institutional Requirements and Common and specialty-specific Program Requirements apply.

Visit the COVID-19 section of the ACGME website for details.

NEW! Telemedicine Requirements Extended
On March 18, 2020, the ACGME accelerated the use of the Common Program Requirements for supervision of telemedicine visits, permitting residents/fellows to participate in the use of telemedicine, with appropriate supervision, to care for patients affected by the pandemic.

Because of the pandemic's ongoing nature and the timing of requirement review and approvals, the ACGME Board extended the approval for implementation of telemedicine use and telesupervision through the 2020-21 academic year. Each specialty Review Committee will then choose whether to continue to allow for this type of direct supervision with telemedicine in other situations.

NEW! Frequently Asked Questions Under Review
With the creation of the new Sponsoring Institution Emergency Categorization, ACGME leaders and staff member are reviewing the currently posted Frequently Asked Questions and will be making updates and adjustments to this section to reflect the new binary approach. Check this page for updates, and watch for further communication from the ACGME on this topic.

NEW! Coalition for Physician Accountability Recommendations for GME
A work group of the Coalition for Physician Accountability, of which the ACGME is a member, recently issued "Recommendations for Away Rotations and Interviews for Fellowship Applicants in 2020-2021," which are designed to guide the transition from residency to fellowship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the Recommendations

The Coalition for Physician Accountability has issued a series of recommendations, reports, and statements about important issues related to medical education and the COVID-19 pandemic.

NEW! Action Taken at June 2020 ACGME Board Meeting
New Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Complex Family Planning (subspecialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology), effective June 13, 2020. The Requirements and FAQs are available under the “Currently in Effect” heading on the Program Requirements and FAQs and Applications page of the Obstetrics and Gynecology section of the ACGME website. The New Program Application will be available on or before July 1, 2020.

Annual Update FAQs Available
The ACGME held educational webinars for program directors and program coordinators to provide an overview of ADS changes and newly added questions to assess the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on programs.

Participants learned about changes to the upcoming ADS Annual Update, including questions related to the new Common Program Requirements, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on programs’ clinical and didactic activities and the health of residents, fellows, and faculty members. (See Distance Learning News for links to view the webcasts.)

Questions submitted during these webinars have been developed into FAQs, which are posted in the ADS Help Center under “United States: Annual Update 2020-2021.”

Submit additional questions to the executive director of the applicable specialty Review Committee (contact information can be found on each specialty’s section of the ACGME website) and ADS staff members (ADS@acgme.org).

NEW! JGME June 2020 Issue Available
The June 2020 issue of JGME  has been published online. This issue features articles on the COVID-19 pandemic, envisioning the future of GME, and more.

NEW! 2020 ACGME Annual Educational Conference Sessions Available to View
Log in to Learn at ACGME to access sessions from the 2020 ACGME Annual Educational Conference:

A Novel Conceptual Model for Optimizing the Clinical Learning and Working Environment
Presenters explain, demonstrate, and facilitate the application of the living and working environment (LWE) conceptual model. The session will illustrate how the model can be used both as a needs-assessment tool and as a taxonomy for organizing and prioritizing innovations through the explication of three use-cases: reactive, holistic, and proactive. Multiple learners, practice settings, and undergraduate and graduate medical education structures will be considered during case discussions.

Creating a Residency Curriculum for Health Equity
The presenter reviews the multiple ACGME expectations to educate residents in the identification and amelioration of health disparities and health care disparities in their own patient populations. Using an obstetrics and gynecology residency program as an example, the presenter develops a template to plan a curriculum to address the core components of such a curriculum and determine appropriate learning goals for house staff.

Milestones News
A delayed start date for the Hematology, Medical Oncology, and Hematology-Medical Oncology Milestones 2.0 to July 1, 2021 had an unintentional negative impact on some programs that had already begun working on changes to their assessment tools and the systems used for tracking.

To avoid having to redo the work, a “map” between 1.0 and 2.0 has been created to use for the 2020-2021 academic year. For programs choosing to use the new Milestones, this “map” will assist in translating the scores from 2.0 back to the 1.0 version, which can then be entered into the Accreditation Data System (ADS). This is not an exact fit, but will provide enough information for completing the tasks. This map has been added to the end of the Supplemental Guide for each of the three specialties, and can be found here.

Nominations Open for New ACGME Diversity and Inclusion Award
The ACGME is accepting nominations for the Diversity and Inclusion Award, a new award to support efforts to achieve diversity and inclusion in graduate medical education (GME).

The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced data showing that underrepresented minorities are the victims of systemic inequality. Eliminating disparities in health care requires a commitment from all-even, and especially, during times of crisis. This annual award will highlight the most innovative and exemplary initiatives that drive diversity in GME.

Read more about the award, including instructions for submitting a nomination
Nominations due Friday, July 17, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. Central.

Dr. Nasca Addresses Graduating Residents and Fellows
ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP recorded a video message for all residents and fellows completing their program this spring—in the midst of a global pandemic, while caring for patients on the front lines during an extraordinary time.

In this video, Dr. Nasca recognizes residents and fellows for their altruism, expresses concern for their well-being, and encourages them to take the lessons learned about health disparities during the pandemic to improve care for all during the course of their careers.

Sponsoring Institutions and programs are encouraged to incorporate the video into their commencement activities and/or distribute it directly to their residents and fellows.

Learn More in the ACGME Newsroom
Access the Video on the ACGME’s Vimeo Channel

Program Requirements for Review and Comment - Deadline Next Week!
The following Program Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment, here:

Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional Radiology
Nuclear Medicine
Comment Deadline: July 1, 2020

The Review Committee has added CPT codes 77061 and 77062 in the mammography Case Log category. The full list of Case Log categories and the diagnostic radiology required minimum numbers can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the Radiology section of the ACGME website.

ACGME Seeks Public Members
The following Review Committees are seeking their next public member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A public member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the public, foster accountability to the needs of the public, enrich the work of the Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. Nominees must not be physicians. Other health care professionals are permitted, provided they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs. The term of appointment is six years.

Anesthesiology - Deadline Next Week!
Cheryl Gross
Deadline: July 1, 2020

Medical Genetics and Genomics
Read the full solicitation
Contact: Kate Hatlak
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Radiation Oncology - Deadline Next Week!
Contact: Cheryl Gross
Deadline: July 1, 2020

ACGME Seeks Resident Members - Specialty Added!
The following Review Committees are seeking their next resident member for terms beginning July 1, 2021. A resident member serves on the Review Committee to share the perspective of the resident, foster accountability to the needs of the resident, enrich the work of the Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency in the work of the Review Committee. The Review Committee's selected nominee will be presented for approval by the ACGME Board of Directors at its September 2020 meeting. The new resident member's term will be from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.

NEW! Dermatology
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited dermatology program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Sandra Benitez
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Neurological Surgery
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited neurological surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Orthopaedic Surgery
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited orthopaedic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Jennifer Luna
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited pathology program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Katherine McCue
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Preventive Medicine
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited preventive medicine program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Katherine McCue
Deadline: July 31, 2020

Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Applicants must be a current PGY-2 to PGY-4 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Michelle Armstrong
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Thoracic Surgery
Details: The resident member must be currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited thoracic surgery program when appointed and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of the program. Applicants must be a current PGY-2 to PGY-4 during the 2021-2022 academic year. Nomination instructions available upon request.
Contact: Michelle Armstrong
Deadline: August 14, 2020

Details: Nominees must be a resident in an ACGME-accredited urology program, or a fellow in an ACGME-accredited pediatric urology or female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery program. A nominee must be able to serve a two-year term. Read the full solicitation.
Contact: Tina Espina
Deadline: August 10, 2020